Valve's Chet Faliszek has said Portal 2 is "absolutely the best" single-player campaign Valve has ever produced. Soz, Half-Life 2. Consider yourself demoted.

Speaking with TGL at a recent Portal 2 press event, Faliszek said, "In terms of single-player experience, [Portal 2 is] absolutely the best" of Valve's games. Half-Life 2, which often tops 'Best PC Games ever' lists never even got a mention.

Left 4 Dead did though. "In terms of co-op," he added, "I'm going to say it's a tie with the Left 4 Dead series. Left 4 Dead is near to my heart. The Single player is so dense in Portal 2. It's the best." Does that make you so excited you squeak a little? No? Just us then.

Faliszek says the popularity of the Portal series has come as a surprise even to Valve. "We never could have guessed that it would have taken off the way it has. We didn't invent the game with this is mind," he admitted. "We just wanted to create a good game, with good environments and a cool world and go from there."

Valve today released the last in a series of funny Aperture Science marketing videos. The game's out on PC (via Steam), Xbox 360 and PS3 next week (April 19 in US, 22 in UK).