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Homebrew coder and resident tipster flofrucht has dropped by our forums to release the initial version of his latest project, Radioplayer Pack, a handy app that allows you to access various sites using the Internet Radio Player of your PSP.

Developer's note:

Well, here’s the Version 1.0 of my Radioplayer Pack!

What does it do?
It’s a simple but effective access to some sites via the Internet Radio.

So what sites are supported? Well, according to the dev, it currently includes mobile version of Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Hotmail, Wikipedia, IMDb and eBuddy. "If you want more sites feel free to contact me via or via my blog (," further notes the dev.

How to install?
Extract the archive and copy the PSP folder to your PSP root!
Then go in your PSP XMB to Network / Internet Radio and have fun!

Download Here