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Sometimes one has no choice but to do mathematics to survive the modern jungle. If you miss your old TI89 (do these things still exist?) , 10$man has the solution for you with his entry for the PSP Genesis competition: Autographer.

What is it?

I’ll quote the author here:
  • -Factor a list of Polynomials and solve them for 0 (10 polynomials at a time to be exact) BUT you must input them from a computer and it is very inconvenient, can not factor with X multiplied (eg. 2X^2 + 5X + 7) Can doeg. X^2 + 5X + 7
  • -Factor a single polynomial that you input ON your psp
  • -FOIL (or Distribute) it is like un-factoring.
  • -Find the Volume and SurfaceArea of:
    Rectangular Prisms
    (More are going to be implemented!)
  • -Graph (EXTREMELY in progress)
    Must input equation for line from computer.
    cannot do circles
  • -Beneksturun Theorom
    This is something i made with friends a while back
    it is pointless as it states.
    all it does is list every number that can be cubed and have a whole number square
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