
MD.emu is a commercial port of the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Master System/Mark III emulator Genesis Plus (GPL) for Android.

Play all your favorite Genesis/Mega Drive and Master System/Mark III games
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and Master System/Mark III emulator based on Genesis Plus (GPL), designed and tested on the original Droid/Milestone and the Xoom, but works on many devices with similar specs. While not currently as fast as some other Genesis apps available (performance is similar my SNES app depending on the game), MD.emu features very accurate emulation is able to properly display graphics in many games other apps do not. Examples include Panorama Cotton, Star Control, and the VS mode in Sonic 2. My goal for future updates is to eventually provide Sega CD support.

Other features include:

Very accurate sound emulation with high quality re-sampling

SVP chip support for Virtua Racing (needs a fast device)

6-button controller and 4-player multitap support

Backup memory and save state support, auto-save and ten manual slots for save states.

Supports ROM-based games in .bin, .smd, and .sms formats, optionally in zip files

Configurable on-screen multi-touch controls in addition to keyboard controls (needs Android 2.1+ for multi-touch, up to 3 touches supported at once)

Multiplayer-capable Wiimote + Classic Controller and iControlPad support (no need to purchase a separate app, see website for full instructions)