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Thread: Feel the RTS force in Star Wars: Empire at War

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Feel the RTS force in Star Wars: Empire at War[br][br]Star Wars: Empire at War (working title) is the latest title to marry George Lucas' massive universe with the RTS genre, a combination which in the past, it has to be said, has seen some criminally poor efforts - Force Commander is a title we'd rather forget, and no doubt too would LucasArts. But with Petroglyph at the development helm, a studio boasting the talents of ex-Westwood staffers, signs are positive that Empire at War will truly be the Star Wars strategy game we've all be looking for.[br]Empire at War is set just prior to events portrayed in the original Star Wars movie (A New Hope). Allowing players to experience the likes of the aftermath of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the creation of the Rebel Alliance and Darth Vader's rise to power, you'll also be presented with the delicious opportunity to rewrite the universe's history. [br][br]Unsurprisingly, strategists can either don Rebel Alliance or Galactic Empire's commanders hats and build up forces to unleash onto the fields of war. Intriguingly, the action in Empire at War is persistent, LucasArts revealing that "strategic and tactical elements from previous events will have a permanent effect on the galaxy." As the game progresses and armies are expanded, well-known Star Wars characters make their presence known and "play a role in key situations."[br][br]Petroglyph has created its own game engine for Empire at War (check out the screens on this page to see what you think), which is being employed to render battle sequences on such planets as Hoth (the staple battleground for any Star Wars game it seems), Tatooine and Dagobah, in the realms of space of course and other environments lifted from the movies and Star Wars novels.[br][br]Along with the single-player experience, Petroglyph is packing in multiplayer which includes a two-player Empire vs. Rebellion mode and supports up to eight players for online skirmish battles.[br][br]Star Wars: Empire at War is due this autumn, but in the meantime enjoy the first screenshots from the game. And, check back later today for a full-blown preview of Star Wars: Empire at War and word on the title from producer Brett Tosti!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro Hawq's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feel the RTS force in Star Wars: Empire at War

    Should be a good one, not too sure about the tie tanks they've made for it though, cant be worse than the last one of course. Hmm I see no interdictors on the Empire side, unless theyre not using the designs described in the books & chown at one point I think on a cover, they must be in there somewhere when the game comes out so the Empire can set traps in space & block the rebels escape

  3. #3
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Re: Feel the RTS force in Star Wars: Empire at War

    i just hope they make a star wars game with a red alert 2 gameplay and feel to it.

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