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Thread: Flyin' LDK (Level Design Kit) & v1.1 BETA

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    Default Flyin' LDK (Level Design Kit) & v1.1 BETA


    DS has released a level editor for his 2011 NeoFlash compo entry, Flyin'. Be sure to read the spoiler below for more information.

    Whats Included:
    • Level Generator Application to build Flyin' levels
    • A Flyin 1.1 BETA build able to load levels from fat (Folder: /data/flyin), there are no other changes so there is no need to download if you don't want to design levels.
    • The Wavefront OBJ and Bitmap files for the first level (The Attic), and a level generator project file you might use to generate it's levelfile (hint: as it uses relative paths, extract the archive and generate into the same path, or the generator will hang).

    Some hints about the Flyin' Engine and its limitations:
    One Layer (part of the level you need to export separately) can have up to 8 units in height, width and depth (but you can have theoretically unlimited layers). Each Layer needs a UV Wrapped Texture; I used the bake feature in every level (include shadows and lighting in texture -> ds has no direct shadow support, and I got best results with that). A (square) texture can be up to 256x256, other tested values are 128x128, 64x64, 8x8. Not tested, but likely working are non-square textures, possible values for width and height are 8,64,128,256,512 or 1024. I'd recommend using square textures, because I tested them. All textures together must be smaller than 512*512 Pixels (because of nds's video ram). So you could, for example like in the warehouse level use three 256x256 textures and a 128x128 texture (3*256x256+128x128=212,992 -> smaller than 512*512=262,144).
    The nds can only display 2048 Triangles in a frame, you should make sure that there is no way to display more in a frame (so be low-poly, sight length is 4 units, faces with one vertex outside won't be drawn). For the official levels I used a scale of ca. 1 unit = 2 meters.
    The OBJ must contain normals, although I don't use them. Just check the box while exporting! Because of backside culling you should make sure your normals are on the correct side, through.

    Some Facts you might need to know:
    • There are layers, each layer can be displayed and/or cause collisions (so you might have a object with a medium poly count to draw in one displayed layer, and with low poly count in a layer causing collisions, as too many collision faces will cause Flyin' to be slow).
    • Layers might be static or animated. Animated layers might contain single frame's meshes or will use default animations: Move in a direction, Move in a direcion and back.
    • Layer animations can be looped or triggered (caused by the fly to be in a specific area).
    • Green and Red Spheres are not part of layers, they will get generated on-the-fly (hey, a pun!). You need only to specify its position in level converter.
    • Each level has a starting point, also being set by the level converter.
    • Each level has a clear color drawn in areas without faces (because of sight). See for example the cave level (gray) and the attic (black).

    ...and the pre-defined Animations I spoke about are:
    • Moving: Move with a speed in a direction, reset after a number of frames
    • Vibrating: Move with a speed in a direction, change direction after a specific distance (width); width can be configured for every dimension (x,y,z).
    • Trigger: Like Moving, but starts after the fly enters a Trigger Area, and won't reset; the animation just stops after the time.
    • Animated: Use animation with single frames (naming like the example level: as blender does it when exporting wavefront animation)
    • Animated-Trigger: like Animated, but starting when the fly enters a Trigger Area, and won't loop.

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