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Thread: Sony's big problem

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Smile Sony's big problem

    Seriously look at this scene, Sony is working on gps you guys have it out already. Sony has mentioned a PS ONE emu. You guys should have it out soon. (In case you haven't guessed i'm using u guys generically). Everything I read say's sony's betting the farm on ps3 (wired mag, etc..)

    This community has more games released than SONY does and really most of what I've got on PSP is polished but not much fun. I just downgraded from 7.1 to go back to homebrew (upgraded for socom).

    You guys all keep up the good work!

    Really, it must be an Old mans club at SONY a bunch of rich old guys hogging the power and the money and running the company into the dirt. No wonder its shareholders are worried. I bet they have young dynamic thinkers there that get ignored everyday because the guys in charge are just soooooooo out of touch. If I were sony's CEO I'd be hiring YOU guys to work in teams to develop this stuff instead of paying my programmers to upgrade the firmware everytime someone figures out a way to break it.

    You know the truth is stranger than fiction, This is how it is at my job. I work in tier one plant (we make parts for car manufacturers) and the waste is rampant everyone in charge is either old and crooked or related to the old and crooked guys. There is so much bad crap that goes on and such stupidty I could write a novel. seriously, you want to know why cars cost so much we waste thousands of $$$ a day literally, and safety you should worry your cars welds don't fall apart while you drive em. Seriously (I've seen a lot in many of the big 3 tier one plants, integrators etc..) not only that I've done contract work for big 3 companies that were building 200000+ $ jobs just to keep operators from talking to eachother. and you wonder why places like FORD are hurting. My business is filled with so many people that "know what they are doing" that they are all stupid. And whats so frustraiting is that I am completly unable to change any of it because I have none of the AUTH-OR-IT-AH. and I'll never have because I'm not related to anyone seriously I could save my company thousands of dollars a day if I could get my supervisors and the managers to even listen to me. I could go on forever but this rant is for sony...

    OK the point of this rant? just to rant. I don't know sony's business but I know mine. and if I've learned anything in life it's that it's all the same crap but a different pile. O'RLY? what service do you do your customers when you don't give em what they want. More importantly what service do you give your shareholders making poor decisions and limiting the obvious power of something like the psp and soon the PS3 I'm sure.

    It's not the same world these old guys grew up in (and I know, i'm a bit old) If I were sony I'd release a development environment for psp, ps3 (xbox is ) have a small team of programmers work on firmware to keep the pspbox from loading iso's
    and then when I saw a release that was even reasonably good I'd give that guy a job and the resources to develope that product commercially. I'm not going to go out and build the gps unit (somewhere on this site you'll find the plans) but I might buy it. Now think of the $$$ SONY spent in R & D making their GPS when they could have had it for free! (well not exactly but I hope you get my drift).

    I do hope that sony gets back on it's feet as I have enjoyed their product for many years but If the state of things is as bad as it looks (the new price drop probably means more sales but no profit they'll recoup later if they can establish a presence) If it really is so dire for them I fear no one will make the right decisions there and that really would suck!

    WaKE up SONY, really it could be so easy to kick ass!

    Really I just wanted to say no matter how cool or dumb the stuff is that you make for homebrew keep up the good work you all should be proud of yourselves. You are a shining example that the little guy is more nimble that the big guys. The smart guys that make this scene possible and even the little kids scripting games in lua you are all the future of this big crazy world don't mess it up like our parents did. (ok now I just sound crazy)

    LOL got to love it.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro BL4Z3D247's Avatar
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    amen to that brother

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    I second that

  4. #4
    Dream Coder
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    It just doesn't work that way. Sony cannot endorse homebrew or release kits to do it because it would lead to piracy, and if piracy is rampant, no company will want to release games for their system because they won't be able to turn a profit. It's sad to say that some people in the 'scene' are avid supporters of both sides.

    Also, afaik no present or announced future homebrew PS emulators for the psp are fullspeed, while the announced Sony one will be.
    If anyone is looking to buy, sell, trade games and support a developer directly at the same time, consider joining Goozex. Enjoy!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    I can't believe i read all that >< but yea i agree with quzar cuz companies still profit from those old games you might think that they are old and that they don't care but the companies re-release them as phone games and etc, meaning they still have the rights to them.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Roms and piracy are another issue all together. I do say they would have to take steps to prevent piracy but really has SONYS lack of support for homebrew done anything to prevent piracy? nope. All they've successfully done is limit a very limitless device. The future clearly has to be open for the wired companies of the future and the old ways of thinking will quickly swallow companies that can't be dynamic enough to compete. Thats my prediction anyways!

  7. #7
    DCEmu Old Pro bullhead's Avatar
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    Excellent post! Well said man.....well said.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    I've been thinking this for over a year, but I don't want Sony to support homebrew. That would probably mean we could use only homebrew that didn't infringe on other companies (like emulators for systems that Nintendo made.) They'd probably put a halt to homebrew that uses ripped sprites.

    I say they should ignore homebrew and hacking in total.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend dejkirkby's Avatar
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    I agree with SSaxdude. The longer Sony act like they are oblivious to homebrew, the greater strides the community can make before getting shut down.

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