Blue Byte and Ubisoft are working on a sixth instalment in the veteran strategy series, Settlers, the developer and publisher have revealed today.

The latest series entry is due out next year and is currently (very creatively) called Settlers VI, apparently having been in development since last spring. The latest instalment in the city building series aims to be the most graphically pleasing yet, while expanding in ways to gain universal appeal.

"Our development studio in Düsseldorf has a clear goal for The Settlers VI: to produce the best The Settlers game of all time," said Odile Limpach, Managing Director of Ubisoft Germany and Austria. "We want to appeal to fans of The Settlers series while ensuring the greatest possible accessibility to newcomers."

The latest edition of Settlers, a 10th anniversary update to Settlers II, is in shops now. We'll let you know when more word on the sixth instalment reaches our ears.