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Thread: cool absract backgrounds tutorial

  1. #1
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    Exclamation cool absract backgrounds tutorial

    I thought, in light of Malkster's awesome abstract grunge sig tutorial, I would post a tut for some of my favorite abstract backgrounds, great for signatures/avatars/whatever.

    For this first installment, I have done a cool tech/lighning tut. Saw this somewhere else a while ago, can't remember where, but I modified it a bit and though i would post it.

    -First open a new photoshop document, I'm using 250x250 pixels, but if you want to make a sig keep it under 520x120.
    -make sure that your colors are the deault black and white by clicking the little icon to the left and below the colors on your toolbar.

    1. lets begin, first do filter>render>clouds

    2. on the same layer do filter> render difference clouds (same as above, but darker)
    3. go to image>adjustments>levels and a box should show up. Move the grayish knob at the bottom towards the black nob under the dark area. This shoud give you jagged lines that look like lightning. Actual thickness depends on personal preference

    4. Hit Ctrl+I to invert the colors. Here's what it should look like
    5. duplicate the layer and on the duplacated layer go to filter>pixelate>mosaic and set cell size to something fairly large. I used 25.
    6. on this same layer go to filter>brush strokes>accented edges and set the settings as follows
    -edge width=2
    -edge brightness=50
    -should get something like this

    7. set blending mode to "overlay", by using the drop down menu on your layer panel.

    8. Now all that's left is to change the colors. I like to change both layer colors individually for more controll, but you may also just flatten the image by right clicking and selecting flatten image from the menu.
    9. To color press Ctrl+B (color balance) and adjust the knobs for shadows, midtones, and highlights. Or if you just want the easy way press Ctrl+U to change the hue, but makes sure to hit the "colorize box in the bottom right hand corner, or it won't get colored.


    Stayed tuned in the future for more background tuts

  2. #2
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    thats a cool tut.
    wheres malks tut anyone got a link....?

  3. #3
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    K, ready for #2? Well here it is. One of my personal favorites, and also incredibly simple. Difficulty level=1.

    Step 1 open a new photoshop document, I'm using 250x250 pixels, but if you want to make a sig keep it under 520x120.
    2. Click on the gradient tool,

    now on the top of the screen a menu should appear showing which gradient you have selected among other controls. Click on the gradient to change the colors.

    Now we are goint to change the colors. You can add a new color, simply by clicking underneath the current spectrum in the popup box. You can change the color by clicking on the small icon under the color and then on the larger one beneath it. To remove a co0lor drag its marker off of the spectrum.

    3. It is ideal, with this background to use multiple different colors and or, alternate colors multiple times as pictured above. This will make it work out the best.
    Almost there... already.
    4. Now, even though this looks good as a square gradient and any of the others we want a circle gradient, so select that from next to the gradient colors we clicked on earlier, it looks like a circle (duh?)
    5. While we're here, select Difference blending mode for this gradient.

    6. K last step. simply drag your cursor across your canvas at different angles and for different lengths to get a cool effect. Just don't overdo it or it will begin to look sloppy.

    Here are some samples I have done

    This one I did using another gradient besides circle, still cool though.

    More to come in the future

  4. #4
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    @ S34MU5, it's been stickied in this forum. Here's the link

  5. #5
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    thanxs for that second tut. looks like im on acid.
    i wasnt in the forum sorry.
    i saw it at the side of the psp main page.
    but thanks!

  6. #6
    Master Malk1th Malksta's Avatar
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    I might make another tut..

    my last one is OOOOLD.. back in my n00bie days
    secret message!
    I used to have a signature here.

  7. #7
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    I know, I saw the actual date when it was posted after I started this thread, but it's been getting quite a bit of attention as of late. Nice Job.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tut. It took me for ever to figure it out i wish i would have seen this sooner.

  9. #9
    PSP User the catalyst's Avatar
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    Default #3


    Saw a tutorial like this at and modified it to look a bit cooler.

    -pretty simple stuff, for beginner/novices
    --Step 1: paint the entire canvas black using the paint bucket tool
    --Step 2: go to filter>render>difference clouds, do this multiple times by hitting Ctrl+F multiple times until you get something like this

    Step 3: Okay, now we want to use the filter>distort>wave
    and use the following settings:
    -Wavelength min(66) max(164),
    -amplitude min(38) max (62).
    -And make sure, this is important, that you check off the "square" bubble in the box that says "type" in the upper right hand of the popup window

    Randomize it until you get something like this

    Step 4: now use the wind filter (filter>stylize>wind) and selct the "wind" bubble, and "from the right". Now repeat the filter by pressing Ctrl+F once only

    Step 5: Here's where I strayed from the path. You can go one of two ways here. For a smoother look use filter>brush strokes>accented edges and turn the smoothness notch to the left. For a more tech-y look use filter>brush strokes>crosshatch with low stroke length, high sharpness and low strength (stroke length must be 3 in order for it to look good).

    accented edges


    step 6: time to add color. Use Ctrl+U to bring up the hue color box. Remeber to selct "colorize" in the bottom right and adjust the knobs to your liking.

    Heres what I came up with
    Accented edges


    You can also run some lighting effects by using filter>render>lighting effects
    I got something like this

    Wanna take it one step further?
    -well after you run some lighting effects on it (works best with crosshatch) Use filter>stylize>glowing edges and get this beauty

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    ZOMFG you are da man this looks so god damn cool!

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