After a lot of work, xeBuild brings together ggbuild (RGH) and fbbuild (JTAG) into a single application for building glitch, jtag and clean retail images with support for the new 14699 dash:
What's New:
* builds jtag/glitch/retail images
* image type specifyer changed, specify -t on command line
* all ini options are now available on the command line (no spaces allowed!)
-patch append option, -o [patchname] via command line, see NOMU/NOFCRT below or about_patches.S for further info. Up to 16 files can be specified.
* NOMU and NOFCRT patches are provided as optional patches, please use the
-a flag on the command line (ie: -a nomu and/or -a nofcrt) if you want to use them, nomu disables jasper NAND memory unit, nofcrt will attempt to disable FCRT file (not needed if yours isn't corrupt)
-nonandmu has been changed to nandmu so it's behavior is inverted
* virtual fuses is no longer being pursued for glitch images as correct cpu key is already required to build working trinity images. They remain for JTAG images.

Current Limitations:
- STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.

- hotfix - jtag images were being created with incorrect patch file number (xexp1 instead of xexp2)
- gets security files from nanddump.bin and verifies them (odd.bin is currently not processed)
- option added to disable extracting security files from nanddump.bin
- decrypts perbuild security files for verification (crl/dae only currently, updater files work too)
- zero nonce data in bls before checking crc (inlcuded file lists updated with new crc and explanation)
- fixed a bug with mobile extraction
- fixed a bug with fsroot processing
- (glitch) dynamic SMC patcher, no longer limited to hard coded hash/offsets
- added more SMC hashes to verify known clean SMCs
- will attempt to decrypt external encrypted smc.bin if needed
- whitelist more chars in the file list parser
- altered so that pairing value will be retreived from nanddump.bin even if ldv is set in ini
- dual CB is dictated by ini, "none" filename indicates single CB (jtag does not use dual CB)
- increased logged info when adding files to flashfs
- odd.bin in encrypted (only!) form is now handled (from file or nanddump.bin)
- ini options are now available as -o options on command line
- added -t command line flag for glitch/retail/jtag selection
- JTAG image creation merged
- separate retail/glitch/jtag into individual per-firmware ini lists
- added -noenter command line option to suppres application asking to press enter on completion
- added proper errorlevel exiting, 1=usage/commandline error, 2=file write err, 3=image build error
- add 'cygnos' and 'xellbutton' options for glitch images with appropriate bl patches (either may affect fat glitch boot rate!)
- non-critical spare data fix to the way smc config is added to image
- update freeboot core and glitch base patches to accept a secondary xell poweron reason
- rewrote extended.bin handler, given an invalid/undecryptable file it will create a empty extended.bin
- rewrote keyvault handler, can decrypt and verify kv.bin when it's provided encrypted
- added patch append -a command, and converted nomu and nofcrt to optional patches
- added simple explanation of patch file formats in about_patches.S
- changed nonandmu option to nandmu so it can default to false
- added corona and winchester console types, currently not supported but there if needed
- add 14699