postLoader3, made by GBAtemp member stfour, has been updated from version 3.49.1 to 3.50.1. This versatile Wii application can be used in conjunction with Priiloader as an alternative to the Homebrew Channel and/or system menu, and also supports launching Wii games and VC/Wiiware titles from real or emulated NAND. See what's new the change log below, and be sure to join the on-going discussion for the latest (off-site) download and more information about this homebrew project's progress.

QUOTE: Change Log 12/17/11•Corrected some issue with GRRLIB video initialization

•Added priibooterGUI 0.2

•postLoader when executed from priibooter(GUI) do not show more the device
initialization screen (it assumes that they are already init)

priibooterGUI notes:

•can load it's own background png from ://ploader/priibooter.png (from sd is highly suggested)

•backround if faded-in for about 5 second during usb init. If usb is already
initialized fade-in will take 3 second. During this time you can interrupt and
show boot menu pressing any key

•the boot menu allow to select postLoader/neek/sm/hbc. The selection can be
saved or just used one time

•uses the same postloader's themes for menu.