Crytek's Carl Jones has told us that he believes "the whole business of technology providing will change" as a result of new business models such as free-to-play.
The director of global business development for CryEngine made his comments during an interview which forms part of an in-depth feature in the latest issue of Edge on the current state of 3D engines.
“At the lower end of the development scale where you maybe aren’t creating such complex games, you’re generally delivering more content throughout the lifecycle of the game," he explains.
"If you’re trying to create content on a weekly basis, which is quite often necessary in a free-to-play, mobile or casual game, your pipeline to get it out there has to be super-fast and very robust. And that’s something we’re concentrating on a great deal.”
Crytek is well positioned to make such observations in its capacity both as a technology provider to other companies making free-to-play games - such as MindArk's Entropia Universe - and the developer of upcoming free-to-play shooter WarFace. Jones stresses that a shift in focus is essential if making high-end games is going to continue to be profitable.
"Obviously we continue to build on our realtime tools," he says. "We don’t want to end up with massive teams having to work on games in future.
"There are some very, very big name studios that have made games that you would think are a success, but actually they’re closing down because the sheer cost of making that game was too high. Obviously that’s untenable, except for a very small number of games per year."