The PlayStation Vita's battery lasts more than an hour longer than the 3DS when both systems are played at the highest possible settings, according to a system test coming out of Japan.As reported by Andriasang, a Japanese YouTuber timed a freshly-charged Vita, a 3DS and a PSP 3000 from when they were booted up until they ran out of battery.The 3DS died first, at the two hours and 35 minute mark. Next came the Vita, which conked out after three hours and 47 minutes. The PSP smashed both, lasting a full nine hours.The 3DS was running Monster Hunter Tri G, the Vita Uncharted and the PSP Monster Hunter Portable Third. All were set to optimum brightness and volume, while the 3DS had its 3D slider turned all the way up.It's not clear from the clip whether all three models were brand new.Sony originally claimed that the Vita's battery offers between three and five hours of play, a claim matched by Nintendo prior to the 3DS launch.