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Thread: Still working on it...

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Red face Still working on it...

    This is a story i've been working on in my mind for years now. Why post it here, of all places,,

    Why post it at all? I'll always remember it. I created it, The question is. Do you even care to take the time to read it. do you even know what it is.

    It all doesn't really mater. Ill do this as an outlet for many buzzes to come. This is for me anyway, So you can read it if you want. But . This belongs to me...


    The Darkness is Who I am, I know nothing But the comfort of the void, Time loses all meaning as it slips into a endless stream,

    I become one with everything, and one with nothing.

    For I am everything, and nothing, we are one and the same.

    Maybe, It'll be okay if i close my eyes,, Just for a little bit..

    Who knows how long the darkness lasts, until daylight i guess..

    (( GAbriel...))

    Who are you?

    (( Gabriel,,, Its time to wake up..))

    Who are you?! And why do you presume to order me about?!

    (( wake up gabriel..))

    {Reflections of white} ( the lunar ruins)
    {Fusoya} Golbez!! Golbez!! Come quickly, I believe i've found something,

    {Golbez} What is it fussy? And ive told you call me gabriel, Golbez was the name zeromus gave me as a mindless puppet, Call me by the name my people gave me, Gabriel....

    {Fusoya} I've told you The names Fusoya!! Say it with me Fu-So-Ya!

    (After a brief jest)

    {gabriel} so what do you think it is?

    {fusoya} Im not quite sure, I may be old, But im not that old. These ruins date back to an ancient time, even before your father and I, The original lunarians from the lost civilization, Built this shrine long before settlers ever came to live here..

    {gabriel} So how old is it then?

    {Fusoya} its hard to say really, Maybe we should take it back with us.

    {gabriel} Whatever old man!!!... Why didn't you just say lets go to the ruins to train.... Geeze, don't i ever get a day off?

    {Fusoya} Oh, I see,, And maybe while your sitting on your lazy ass, enjoying your day off. The villagers nameingway can just do all your work for you!!

    {gabriel} erm....

    {fusoya} GET TO WORK!!!

    {gabriel} Okay okay, i was only joking, geeze...
    (slave driveling old fart)

    {fusoya} I heard that!

    {gabriel} . (mumble..)

    (meanwhile back at the lab) * always wanted to say that ;p

    {gabriel} So this is the blade of shadows huh ?, That's a funny name for a piece of rusted metal...

    {Fusoya} Hmmm. I cant really translates this language, Its not like anything i've ever seen., Some of it makes since, See , like here, You can clearly see the words Blade, And shadows, Consuming, Darkness. BUt I cant make the rest out,

    {gabriel} hmm..

    {fusoya} Our options are limited. We have no other choice, You will have to see king bahumet..

    {gabriel} Right, On my way..

    {fusoya} Wait, Take the blade with you and some previsions i've prepared..

    {gabriel} Thank you, I will return as soon as i find something out.

    {Fusoya} Godspeed Golbez.

    ( As gabriel leaves to find the bahumet king, fusoya attends to the wounded at the nameingway village)

    { Nameingway resident} Thank you, Fusoya, We've been helpless since our few fighters, where defeated by the chimera...

    {fusoya} Think nothing of it, Ill do what i can to be of help.

    ( Distressed nameingway) Help!!! Help!! The chimera comes!!!!!

    {Fusoya} Everyone!! Take Cover!! Grab your children and get them to safety now!!! ( the nameingway citizens, all run for cover, save a few brave souls)

    {fusoya} I told you!! the chimera is attacking, Run for cover and hide!!!

    {brave nameingway} No... I will not run.

    {fusoya} Do you have a death wish ? are you mad?!!

    {brave nameingway} No. I am not frightened, The chimera Took My wife, My child, And my friends. I have nothing Left to fear of losing. I will stand, i will fight..

    (sorrow filled expression)
    Very well brave one, Stand and fight with me.. We will do this together.

    (meanwhile, gabriel traverses the depths of the bahumet layer, unawear of the goings on at nameingway village. )

    ( as he travels the depths the layer the lesser beasts seem to yield to him, in an almost respectful manor,

    Hmm.. it seems i've ran into a block. I don't want to end the behumet layer yet., i need some story element for this,,, Ill be back after i get a good buzz going....

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    Nice shadow. LOL have another.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    (brings out double uzi's and kills everyone.)

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Cool heh

    Quote Originally Posted by S34MU5 View Post
    (brings out double uzi's and kills everyone.)
    actuelly ive been putting a lot of thought into this story already I already know the stry elements to fill the behumets lair. Im deciding currently about what path to take the story next, three differnt ideas are finished in there entirety, But i need to decide which one is best to use concerning the later parts of the story aswell Soon though, most likely tonight, There will be more story added

    *ps, just in case there are a few who havnt figured it out yet, Im writing this story, as a sequal to final fantsy 4, ANd after the storys finished, Im going to (try) my best to alter the original rom, or create it from scratch with c++.
    Either way, my ultimate goal is to make a game out of this. :thumbup:

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend dejkirkby's Avatar
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    Sounds great so far, but quite a way to go yet. Keep it up dude!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Oh yes,

    Quote Originally Posted by dejkirkby View Post
    Sounds great so far, but quite a way to go yet. Keep it up dude!
    Quite a way indeed. This is still basicly the intro., It hasnt even gotten to the real story yet

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Smile Yeah. this is what i wanted to do with the behumets lair :)

    ( Gabriel Is filled unease, knowing full well that every time he enters the behumets lair his power is tested to its limits, As per request by fusoya himself, The beasts that he knew so well. Now quieted in his presence)

    {gabriel} Oh well, Shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth I suppose.

    (If old fussy knew I got through the behaumets lair on a free ride, without any extra training, Ill never hear the end of it)

    (gabriel draws the shadow blade)

    {gabriel} NOW!! Have at You!! Ill have no sneak attacks today!!
    We will train here and now!!

    ( A lesser behemoth becomes enraged and begin To attack)

    {gabriel} Now that's more like it!!!

    *battle scene

    (gabriel) attacks the lesser behemoth with his blade for 128 damage!
    ( the beast writhes in pain )

    {gabriel} This isn't right, The lesser behemoths are all under the protection of the behumet king. No mere blade should cause them harm)
    ( The blade trembles in his hand of its own accord)

    {gabriel} What manor of magic is this!!

    ( The blade begins to emit a faint dark aura, That envelops the best)

    {gabriel} What's going on!!

    {gabriel} The sword! Its this sword!!
    (gabriel Puts the blade back in its sheathe, The enveloping aura begins to fade)
    *end battle scene

    {gabriel} Speak to me beast, Are you unharmed?
    ( The lesser behemoth springs to a stand, and fleas)

    {gabriel} this is truly disturbing, Perhaps I should learn more about this blade before I use it again.

    (continues traversing the depths of the behumets lair in search of the behumet king)

    (Back at nameingway village the battle continues)

    {Brave nameingway} I cant keep this up! My magic is almost exausted!!

    {Fusoya} Fear not, My brave little friend, My magic is almost exhausted as well. are you knowledged with team attacks?

    {Brave nameingway} You mean where two or more gather together there power into a single attack?

    {fusoya} Indeed.

    {brave nameingway} Yes, we nameingway study all forms of magic. no matter how inept it may be.

    {fusoya} Then ready yourself, This will be our final attack make it count!

    (the two Gather what little energy they have left and combine there magic)

    {fusoya} Remember, To initiate a team attack, all members active in that attack must know the same spell or technique, You know of the spell metro? correct!?

    {brave nameingway} Yes, But none of us nameingway have ever been powerful enough to cast it.

    {fusoya} Brave friend, I ask you for one favor.

    {brave nameingway} Anything! I am at your command!

    {fusoya} Brave soul. I ask that once you share your magic with me, To take shelter and hide..

    {brave nameingway} No I will not leave you!!

    {Fusoya} You must!, There is no need for unnecessary blood shed!
    you have been of great help my friend. But someone must survive to deliver a message to Gabriel upon his return! Please! I ask You Do this for me!!

    {Brave nameingway} Very well,, I will do this for you..

    {Fusoya} Tell him that the darkness is Not a choice. He can no more choose to leave it, then he chose to accept it, It is part of him. But the darkness is only as powerful as the light it feeds from, When the time comes he will understand these words. Tell him cecil still lives but his time draws near, He must go to the blue planet, and seek him out before his light fades completely.

    *i think. ill stop right here and get a buzz,, BBl guys.

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