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Thread: Religion

  1. #71
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jman420 View Post
    first off, athiests are the group of humans that are smart enough to realize that the wool that has been pulled over their eye's is not true.. no matter what you may think, its got to do with realization.. not faith, not expectation, not because they want to be different..

    its because they realize that there is no God, they realize that there is no reason for God to exist, they realize that all evedence points twards the non-existance of God..
    You typed all of this out?

    This is the part of the post I liked the most. I'm happy that someone has talked some sense into this subject. The Catholics (Capitalized the letter "C", happy now?) don't want to admit that the bible is a flawed book, that is a shadow of what it once was.

  2. #72
    DCEmu Legend dejkirkby's Avatar
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    @ accordion boy. After re-reading through this thread, I apologise for claiming you are Mel Gibson. I can kind of understand your point, but it's just some aspects of the way you explain it are a bit left field.

  3. #73
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    Default Lets continue this touchy subject, shal we?

    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    That. statment was very carefully worded, So dont mistake my generalization argument, as directly aimed at you.

    However this subjet does demand cross examination.

    Since the dawn of exisistance, People have used this logic, Ohh these people believe in things they can not prove, in things i don't understand, therefore they must be unintelligent....

    This narrow minded thinking shows its own ignorance if you put some thought into it.

    Just because someone feels more comfortable in a group of people that follow a certain belief, doesn't mean there mentally weak if you where to ask me, I would say it shows intelligence in it's own right.

    Even right now all of us flock to the forums for one reason or another, in an almost ritualistic manor, carry out our daily repetitive tasks, because we find something in this repetitive task we need.

    humans are followers,learners, by nature.
    in one turn those who proclaim mental independence of societies strong hold, while following the examples of there own roll models, seems very narrow minded to me.

    The truth is. Even the most independent thinkers of all time , follow there own roll models examples. And i think that Just because people have a problem with God doesn't give them the right to go about (~insulting,~ insulting may be too harsh a word :\) others intelligence.

    i can only think a truly enlightened individual would be more open minded toward other beliefs regarding intelligence and other cultures,even if those other cultures are directly adverse to them :thumbup:
    Yes, I know what you mean, I didn't mean intellegent, in a sence of being better, smarter people, I simply ment, that the people that dont live by religion, think for themselves, and dont live for someone else's thoughts and beliefs... Now, I will admit that quite a few people do live for themselves, without being religious, and are intellegent, and smart, and intresting people, and they do do things that seem wrong.. however, they still always have a sence of ethics... but then you always have the people that do live their life by religion.. they still only live their (only) life in fear.. fear that if they do anything that is not stated as right (by the bible and church an all) they will go to hell.. almost giving religion an upper hand in the sence of being a "scare tactic"... which of course, is kind of the subject at hand, as you said that people without religion will have a lesser sence of what is right, and what is wrong... but still, people that live their lives by religion, live as slaves to their beliefs.. people that live with their own beliefs, will live as themselves... and I guess thats my point for this whole thing... I live my life as I live it.. I do not consider my so-called "afterlife" because I know when I die, its the end... there is no more... once the electricity is gone from my brain, I no longer think... there isnt a shiny gate in front of me, there is nothing... because my conciousness is the only thing that keeps me alive now.. if I didnt have that ie. I died, I would stop thinking, and therefor, quit being alive (ironic isn't it? lol) so in summation, I live for me now, improve my life, improve humanity, have children to exist continuing my species, and one day die, and fade away...

    when you bring heaven and hell into this, people dont worry about dying, they think that they will exist forever.. but because they want this so badly, they sacrifice their only life, to have one when they die... I dont honestly want to exist forever, when I'm old and die, I will consider the life I had, and not want anymore... there is no reason to exist forever... but to most people, they will give up the rights as humans, to go to a place of peace and happyness... (sounds kinda, assinine doesen't it???) yet, we are nothing more then animals, and nobody has ever considered killing deer as "I wonder if that guy is going to heaven???" because they dont care... they think that humans, and humans only will be going to this place of happy fantasy...

    but at the same time, it makes it sound like thats all they are going to be good for... the only reason they obey these laws I have said, is because they want to be better then the people going to hell... they want to go to this place of unimagineable wonder... the only reason I'd want to go to heaven is to ask God 3 things... "W?, T?, F?"...

    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    You typed all of this out?

    This is the part of the post I liked the most. I'm happy that someone has talked some sense into this subject. The Catholics (Capitalized the letter "C", happy now?) don't want to admit that the bible is a flawed book, that is a shadow of what it once was.
    yes, I did type all you see on here lol... but yes, I agree, The Bible was once a book based on the stories of God, and the people that supposedly were connected to God.. but, even King James (probobly the most used bible version ever) even King James did modify many things... (not the king himself, but people did it for him) anyway! but yeah, it has been changed from the once, quality book...

    but even then, you dont see people living their lives by other books of fiction... so why are the many different bible's, the rules for life...

    granted they may have the word "Holy" printed on the cover, it doesent mean that they are in fact written as holy... God didnt write the Bible, humans on earth, with a story to tell wrote it....

    and just to cover all religions, I do say "The Bible" but I am accualy refering to all holy stories.. not just the Christian-Catholic Bible...

    I honestly am enjoying this conversation, and do hope that this doesent get locked due to it being on religion and all.. but if there's one thing I enjoy more then anything else, its having other people understand my opinion... so thanks:thumbup:

  4. #74
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    my problem with the whole atheist thing, is as follows

    -lets talk about our two hands as an analogy-
    if left never existed, would right either?

    now i dont follow [for my self] any standardised religion. but opposition for the sake of opposition is needless and green* and actually my theory works as direct counter to Jman420's...which is good, now i need to investigate further...

    [thank you very much for this thread....society!

  5. #75
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jman420 View Post
    Yes, I know what you mean, I didn't mean intellegent, in a sence of being better, smarter people, I simply ment, that the people that dont live by religion, think for themselves, and dont live for someone else's thoughts and beliefs... Now, I will admit that quite a few people do live for themselves, without being religious, and are intellegent, and smart, and intresting people, and they do do things that seem wrong.. however, they still always have a sence of ethics... but then you always have the people that do live their life by religion.. they still only live their (only) life in fear.. fear that if they do anything that is not stated as right (by the bible and church an all) they will go to hell.. almost giving religion an upper hand in the sence of being a "scare tactic"... which of course, is kind of the subject at hand, as you said that people without religion will have a lesser sence of what is right, and what is wrong... but still, people that live their lives by religion, live as slaves to their beliefs.. people that live with their own beliefs, will live as themselves... and I guess thats my point for this whole thing... I live my life as I live it.. I do not consider my so-called "afterlife" because I know when I die, its the end... there is no more... once the electricity is gone from my brain, I no longer think... there isnt a shiny gate in front of me, there is nothing... because my conciousness is the only thing that keeps me alive now.. if I didnt have that ie. I died, I would stop thinking, and therefor, quit being alive (ironic isn't it? lol) so in summation, I live for me now, improve my life, improve humanity, have children to exist continuing my species, and one day die, and fade away...

    when you bring heaven and hell into this, people dont worry about dying, they think that they will exist forever.. but because they want this so badly, they sacrifice their only life, to have one when they die... I dont honestly want to exist forever, when I'm old and die, I will consider the life I had, and not want anymore... there is no reason to exist forever... but to most people, they will give up the rights as humans, to go to a place of peace and happyness... (sounds kinda, assinine doesen't it???) yet, we are nothing more then animals, and nobody has ever considered killing deer as "I wonder if that guy is going to heaven???" because they dont care... they think that humans, and humans only will be going to this place of happy fantasy...

    but at the same time, it makes it sound like thats all they are going to be good for... the only reason they obey these laws I have said, is because they want to be better then the people going to hell... they want to go to this place of unimagineable wonder... the only reason I'd want to go to heaven is to ask God 3 things... "W?, T?, F?"...

    yes, I did type all you see on here lol... but yes, I agree, The Bible was once a book based on the stories of God, and the people that supposedly were connected to God.. but, even King James (probobly the most used bible version ever) even King James did modify many things... (not the king himself, but people did it for him) anyway! but yeah, it has been changed from the once, quality book...

    but even then, you dont see people living their lives by other books of fiction... so why are the many different bible's, the rules for life...

    granted they may have the word "Holy" printed on the cover, it doesent mean that they are in fact written as holy... God didnt write the Bible, humans on earth, with a story to tell wrote it....

    and just to cover all religions, I do say "The Bible" but I am accualy refering to all holy stories.. not just the Christian-Catholic Bible...

    I honestly am enjoying this conversation, and do hope that this doesent get locked due to it being on religion and all.. but if there's one thing I enjoy more then anything else, its having other people understand my opinion... so thanks:thumbup:
    *Nods like the people in the crowd during those religious speeches on TV.

    He's so right people!

  6. #76
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    *Nods like the people in the crowd during those religious speeches on TV.

    He's so right people! child

    ...blades of irony cannot caress!!!

  7. #77
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    Ok before I start I will say I am an agnostic. I don't believe much of the bible is true and I believe we evolved. But I don't deny the possibility of a higher being.

    I believe that most people believe in a higher being so that they find meaning in their life, like they believe they need to believe in God or else they believe their life is meaningless.

    The problem with any religion is there is no evidence supporting them. Some Christians actually try to use cases where psychotic people even thought they were in heaven as evidence.

    I believe religion is ok as long as people keep it to themselves and don't try and push it on other people. I would say the teachings of Jesus are alright, but when Christians use the bible to promote political decisions (namely on gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, etc.) I don't think that is ok and actually anti-Christian.

    What I believe is the worst with religion is the push to teach religion in school (creationism/intelligent design.)

    Just my two cents.

  8. #78
    PSP User Stump's Avatar
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    I think, that there's a lot of members in here,
    who didn't believe in God. the christian God.

    But remember that someones up there loves you, needs you, and care about you.

  9. #79
    DCEmu Pro jman420's Avatar
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    If someone up there loved me, why would I be tested on this rock, to find out if I was worthy of being with God???

    None of it makes sence... Even if God existed, I don't think I would care... It's more like I would be pist at God for torturing me through this lifetime, never knowing what was up, then showing up in heaven, and getting rejected, sent to hell, and spending all eternity in pain and what-not...

    thats my problem with there being someone up there... God would be the biggest panz in the universe, because he refuses to show himself...

    And likeSSaxdude said:
    "Some Christians actually try to use cases where psychotic people even thought they were in heaven as evidence."
    thats true, this is the only thing that any religionn has to go on.. if you think about it, Jesus, 2010 years ago, nobody knew about mental illnensses, so why is it that one man 2010 years ago talking about being the son of God, tweaking out in forrests, seeing things that nobody else could see, thinking that he was a genious because he could ferment wine, being intirely sure he was the master of the human race...
    that is what people base the largest religion(Cult) on.. that is the backbone of society... but why??

    that is why I was talking about ethics before, ethics and the understanding of the possability that these ideas that have been posed, could be false.. and that religion is just there to controll humanity..

    anyway, untill someone comments! I'll leave it at that

  10. #80
    DCEmu Coder Smurph's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jman420 View Post
    If someone up there loved me, why would I be tested on this rock, to find out if I was worthy of being with God???

    None of it makes sence... Even if God existed, I don't think I would care... It's more like I would be pist at God for torturing me through this lifetime, never knowing what was up, then showing up in heaven, and getting rejected, sent to hell, and spending all eternity in pain and what-not...

    thats my problem with there being someone up there... God would be the biggest panz in the universe, because he refuses to show himself...

    And likeSSaxdude said:
    "Some Christians actually try to use cases where psychotic people even thought they were in heaven as evidence."
    thats true, this is the only thing that any religionn has to go on.. if you think about it, Jesus, 2010 years ago, nobody knew about mental illnensses, so why is it that one man 2010 years ago talking about being the son of God, tweaking out in forrests, seeing things that nobody else could see, thinking that he was a genious because he could ferment wine...
    that is what people base the largest religion(Cult) on.. that is the backbone of society...

    that is why I was talking about ethics before, ethics and the understanding of the plossability that these ideas that have been posed, could be false.. and that religion is just there to controll humanity..

    anyway, untill someone comments! I'll leave it at that
    Jesus was an extraterrestrial.

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