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Thread: Religion

  1. #81
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    @ jman420:

    where are ethics from?

    and why are you still alive?

  2. #82
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    jesus plays the wii.

  3. #83
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap'n 1time View Post
    jesus plays the wii.
    on friday i will be

  4. #84
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Wink I just woke up, Im not fully alert this morning,

    Quote Originally Posted by jman420 View Post
    If someone up there loved me, why would I be tested on this rock,
    But i'll try to answer that, if it even has an answer.

    in short this, is the million dollar question isnt it.
    I belive its possible, That the whole idea of what happens to someone when they pass on is completely missunderstood, there may in fact be an infinite number of things that happens to different people once they pass on this mortal coil. and the whole idea of being tested, or evaulated or judged, is for those that follow a certain path. Thats not to say there isnt other options out there for other people. thats only to say, if one wants to go to the general idea of what christain heaven is, it might benifet them to concider christianity.

    It sais the options for the non christians who choose not to accept this, is hell. but ive heard many christians explain hell as simply a an eternity simply outside heaven and devoid of God.

    Honestly. Religion is confusing. it seems to limit free thinking, and free will for that matter. giveing believers few options. If all of this sounds negitive. its not ment to..

    In truth, I believe the reasons one must be evaluated and judged is simply because the religion christianity has standerds that will not be broken, christianity will not abide by the things they concider sins, For instance J man, If you go to live somewhere forever.. its a hard concept i know, But im sure even you would have rules about the kind of people you would want excluded from this.

    Just a thought.

    If this isnt acceptible. Give me some time to wake up, get some cofee and get my brain switched on, I think it's still in sleep mode this morning..

    In short, Christianity, is for christians, Why people that have no interest in christianity
    think its unfair that they cant go to christian heaven. seems like a pointless topic to me really, I mean that whole process pretty much explains itself.

    Some enlightening thoughts. For those that believe. It sais in the bible that the wisdom of man. is but foolishness to God.

    Jman, Thats why, no one should ever depend on someone else for there information about God, No simple mortal man, is qualified to judge or guide ( your soul) Thats the most precious thing anyone has. And no other person has the wisdom or knowlage to guide you, especally not me.

    Some of the questions you ask, are questions that no man can answer, and the only way to find those answers is to seek them out for yourself,

    However, Any man that can deny the existance of God without giving Chritianity a try, seems to be limiting there own options,

    It sais in the bible that christianity is the only way.. and for certain people, I would say it is the only way,. However, the jewish people, had there promise of salvation long before the gentiles, And I still believe there promise is very valid.

    God being perfect, would not make a promise and then break it, All jewish laws and promise are still very much in the proper. To that, I can assure you..

  5. #85
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Meaning of life is to reproduce, seriously without that nothing would exist. (oh oh heres where all the religion and human morals mumbo jumbo comes in)

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    Honestly. Religion is confusing. it seems to limit free thinking, and free will for that matter. giving believers few options. If all of this sounds negative. its not ment to..
    to simply take the opposite option however, is no less constraining, and perhaps more so.

  7. #87
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Question I can agree with that fully

    Quote Originally Posted by accordian boy View Post
    to simply take the opposite option however, is no less constraining, and perhaps more so.
    It would seem no matter what options we take,
    that there are no options that do not in some way limit us. even those options which people would consider as devoid of all religious meaning, to choose them still limits us im some ways.

    ultimately there is no such thing as true freedom.

    Reminds me of a song I once heard, Don't remember the band.

    Even if you choose not to decide, you have still made a choice.

    Makes perfect since to me really.

    However, that is exactly the problem non believers have with religion to begin with.
    an idea or concept that even lays claim to them, even though they choose to be separate from it. I can even as a believer, almost understand there point of view...

    to understand it from an atheists stand point, that some yahoo comes up to them and says, weather you believe or not, it still effects you.

    yeah, I can understand there anger and confusion.

    As for me, I have made peace with the fact, at least im my eyes. that I did not create myself.
    and even though my parents had a lot to do with that. vicariously who created the original man.

    Why are we so different from the animals?
    why are we vastly more intelligent?
    honesty, im an open minded person. But even from an non believers stand point.

    The idea of evolution has its flaws.
    Man is just to complicated to have sprang fourth from a puddle of ooze that got struck by lightning.

    for that matter. of you take the time even as an atheist. to study the genome ( At all) you will see the vast differences between plants animals and humans. and how the many different forms of life on this planet are so dramatically different.

    I Don't even understand how the theory of evolution hasn't been disproven,

    Yes evolution happens. But never ever does it change from one gnu to another.

    An evolved fish will still be a fish. no matter how evolved it becomes.

    So if the theory of evolution is correct. then when that lightning hit that puddle of ooze, not only did it have to create life, but billions of different genus, and the corresponding opposite sex for each genus..

    Hmm given the likely hood of it happening at all to begin with, what are the astronomical odds of it happening while providing all the different genus and sexes at that same time.

    to me the only answer is some sort of intervention, be it devine, or just some aliens that decided to dump there crapper on our little hell hole of a planet.

    Regardless of this, life exist's. weather we where created by an existing life force or not, a truly deep mind will ponder the origins of life in general. be it from this planet or another.

  8. #88
    DCEmu Respected souLLy's Avatar
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    "The whole history of science has been the gradual realisation that events do not happen in an arbitrary manner, but that they reflect a certain underlying order, which may or may not be divinely inspired."
    Stephen Hawking

    If you guys are interested in Christianity in a purely intelectual way, CS Lewis is probably the best author I've ever read on it. Mere Christianity and The problem of Pain both dissected a lot of what I considered to be contradictions in both Atheism and Christianity. The problem of Pain particularly explains the 'why does god allow suffering in the world, if he's all powerful and loves us, then surely we wouldn't suffer" and Mere Christianity just covers everything, he writes in a very understandable methodical way too.

  9. #89
    PSP User Stump's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cap'n 1time View Post
    jesus plays the wii.
    please.. just respect the christian faith!

    that is blasfemi your ... ARGH!

    stop it please!

    @Acordian boy


  10. #90
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    cs lewis is a great author except he basically makes jesus into a LION!!! blasphemy??

    shadowprophet you are now my favorite member. the thing about these peoples questions only being able to be answered by them finding it out for them selves is the best thing you could have said. its incredibly true beyond what people my realize....

    oh and the why does god allow suffering thing..... well i'll give it a go. without suffering we would have no knowledge of evil. jesus said "my people die for lack of knowledge." if everything was perfect we would all die and go to heaven in ignorance. something, i personally, do not like the idea of. also we are tested because god is infinitely holy and just as light and dark cannot mingle neither can god mingle with mankind. at least not until we're purified. he may be gad but he literally CAN NOT be with us physically. we are too evil. god is perfect we are not.

    oh and shadowprophet evolution DOES NOT HAPPEN AT ALL! what does happen is adaptation. evolution means one species to another original species. adaptation is just the species physically adjusting to its surrounding. people even do that....

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