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Thread: Gamespot Gives GC Version of Zelda 8.9

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    GC Gamespot Gives GC Version of Zelda 8.9

    via wiiexperiance

    After giving Zelda:TP on the Wii an 8.8, Gamespot goes and gives the GameCube version an 8.9. The sound category is the one that got an extra point, but they seem to give the edge to the Wii version in the GC review despite the lower score in the end.

    From the review:

    Graphically, the GameCube version is roughly identical to the Wii release. The main difference comes from a lack of 16:9 widescreen support, resulting in many of the story sequences being letterboxed when viewed in 4:3.

    Ok so the Wii version supports widescreen and the GC version does not - score one for the Wii.

    The combat controls are more conventional on the GameCube, since you won’t be shaking the controller around to attack (though if you’ve already played the Wii version, expect to feel dumb when you start to shake your WaveBird and wonder why nothing’s happening), but the Wii controls actually end up feeling more precise in a direct comparison. It’s easier and faster to aim your arrows, boomerang, or other targeted items using the Wii Remote. It’s easier to move the camera around with the Wii Remote, too. While the GameCube controller is more precise when it comes to swinging your sword, the easier aiming and spin attack make the Wii version’s combat controls superior, even though they have a few issues of their own.

    And the Wii version has better controls overall due to ease of aiming and..

    On the Wii, you execute a spin attack by shaking the Nunchuk controller attachment. After you perform the move, there’s a downtime when you can’t spin, and the Wii speaker makes a noise to let you know when it’s available again. The GameCube version works the opposite way. Instead of being immediately available, you have to charge up the spin attack by holding down B. This is how it’s been done in previous Zelda games, so it’s not a huge deal, but having the spin attack available at a moment’s notice makes it a significantly more useful maneuver on the Wii.

    The spin attack is more useful in combat on the Wii. Strange that they scored the Wii version lower than the GC version even if by .1. Honestly, I think the game deserves over a 9 easily, more around a 9.6. Especially if they are handing out 9.0’s to tripe like Perfect Dark Zero.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    the GameCube version is probably better cause it's pushing the GameCube to it's full potential (which the GaemGube has loads of potential), and is comparing to it's newer sucsessor the Wii

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    From the review:
    This is how it’s been done in previous Zelda games, so it’s not a huge deal, but having the spin attack available at a moment’s notice makes it a significantly more useful maneuver on the Wii.
    But on the gamecube version you can still do the quick spin of the analog then the sword button to do the same thing. So it evens out.:thumbup:

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    The problem with Gamespot is They are horribly biased when it comes to nintendo (so are other review based sites) They think nintendo is competing with the other 2 systems but they are not its been said many times.

    Anyways I give zelda a personal rating of 9.9 for the wii and 9.0 for the cube. The controls on wii rock and graphics look a tad crispier (gfx don't matter to me though) I promised myself from now on I will not listen to these washed out rating sites and go for personal opinion only. since people have different opinions I intend to listen to my own.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie sonikku88's Avatar
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    I agree with VampDude. The GC version should get a much higher score due to the fact that it pushed what the Gamecube to i's limits, whereas the Wii version was just a port with slightly better gfx and different controls. IMO, the GC version should have got 9.7 and the Wii version 9.3, not because the GC version is better, but because it showed what the Gamecube is capable of. We all know the Wii is capable of so much more so a lower score would be suitable.

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