It shouldn't be surprising to anyone that Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Super Mario Bros. -- and The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong and Star Fox -- can't narrow his top Mario game down to a single title. It would be hard for most people to make a definitive choice between nearly three decades of games so varied and lauded as Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario 64 or Super Mario Galaxy. But with little wavering, Mr. Miyamoto was able to narrow his favorite games down to two candidates when we sat down with him at E3 2012.
"I guess as a developer that might have to be the very first Super Mario game, for me, because I have so many memories tied up in it," Mr. Miyamoto told us. "Perhaps as a player, I might go for what was, at least in Japan, we referred to it as Super Mario USA, which was a game that just had a very different sort of feel. I think we had such a loose approach to it, we really came up with something interesting."
While Super Mario Bros., Nintendo's most successful game ever, seems like a natural choice, Super Mario USA, or Super Mario Bros. 2 as it is known in the US, is a pretty surprising selection.