via joystiq

Luckily FiringSquad has picked up the slack. The site has issued its 'Most Anticipated' games of the year list, featuring twenty upcoming titles. Here's a look at the top five:

Supreme Commander (Gas Powered Games/THQ) - spiritual successor to Total Annihilation; sci-fi RTS will dual-monitor support
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Splash Damage/id Software/Activision) - prequel to Quake 2; two playable sides (Human and Strogg) are said to offer vastly different gameplay experiences

World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade (Blizzard) - the expansion to end all expansions ('cha-ching')

Spore (Maxis/EA) - from single-celled to universe conqueror; the video game to end all video games
Crysis (Crytek/EA) - it has the looks, can it live up to the hype?
Which games are you planning to upgrade your rig for?