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Thread: UnOfficial? gpSP kai jp 2.9 - GBA Emulator for PSP

  1. #41
    DCEmu Legend gunntims0103's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exophase View Post
    You know, you really have a lot of nerve. I happened to post several lengthy posts explaining myself, to which you replied "that's nice" and basically ignored them. And now you come around saying things like this.


    I actually did say that Takka could release a version that was nothing more than a Japanese translation, in interest of accessibility (and obviously that wouldn't cause any confusion, and would clearly be an alternative release), and of course he runs off with that and loads a bunch of crap in it and releases that. I don't know what the point is in asking me to release a translation if he's just going to release whatever the hell he wants anyway, like usual.

    I'm sure everyone will be much better off now that they have underscores in their savestate filenames (that's definitely worth making everyone change the names manually for) and I'm sure the people who kept complaining about busted analog will be glad he added it BACK to the menu. I'm referring to this:

    # Adding the operation with the analog key at the time of the menu

    It was originally like this, I removed it so that people would actually be able to turn analog off if it didn't work for them, without fighting the menu.

    But I should be thanking Takka for fixing what must be my mistakes, again.

    I'm tired of this, I'm not going to even waste my time looking at the source anymore. I didn't want it to come to this, I wanted him to WORK with me, but obviously he's incapable of this, and of course I'm the bad guy so yeah.

    I know that if I quit the project now I'm just going to get flamed to hell but I'm not sure if I care anymore.
    Well i for one know you wouldnt get flamed for leaving the scene and stopping work on your emulator. At least not while im here. Exophaseif you have any problems with members, do report it as we will take care of it immediatly as i know you get hassled by users all the time.

    My stand point is, if you decided to leave the scene i would hold nothing against you as that soully your decision. You as a coder wouldnt be the first (sttrrnnmm). I do relize that users are very unappricaitive and they will say things like "this is good, now add......". Without a thank you or anything.

    You have alot of talent as a coder, I myself could only hope to be half as good as you are. What you've done so far is pretty much revolutionary in the homebrew scene. I mean many users thought that gba emulator would not be possible (full speed) on a psp. Yet you seemed to have done the impossible.

    However it works out let me be the first to truely give congrats to all that you have done for the scene and im quite happy for what you have done so far. Of course i wish that you would continue and not let takka's unofficial releases shake you up.

    Thanks for all the hard work exophase, I wish you the best!

  2. #42
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Takka seems to be quite confused why Exophase is feeling
    uncomfortable while he is following the GPL.
    He isn't asking Exophase for translation, he's asking
    his Japanese friends in his BBS to translate his Japanese
    to English.

    I think Exophase shall clarify the requirements for other authors to release any mods,
    if u think something is not fulfilled.

    Here's a better translation of the changes of 0.9 kai 2.9
    (kai means mod in JPN)

    # Added Clock & Battery remaining display in menu
    # CPU Clock set back to 222MHz on exit
    # Button ignored in game when returning to game from menu
     (All buttons will be released)
    # R/L button will skip 5 rows when selection of ROM, etc.
    # Modification of RTC relevants/mips_stub.S based on report in BBS
    # Day/time display format is based on that of PSP registry
    # Can hide corrupt file for FW1.5
    # Can boot using official GBA/NDS BIOS
    # "_" inserted between ROM name and slot no. in statesave file name
     (Please rename statefile of older versions)
    # Screenshot function added in Graphics/Sound menu
     PNG RGB 24bit format saved in folder designated in dir.cfg file
    (ROM filename+YMDH)
    # Control using Analog stick enabled in menu
    # Modification of message.cfg/dir.cfg reflecting the above mentioned changes
    # Order of messages changed to make customizing of menu screen more easier
    # Added translation in message.cfg file
    # Added loading of Cheat file in menu
    # Can now handle non-encrypted cheats

    direct_v? Cheat name

     direct_v? is identifier (non-encrypted)
    v1 is for PAR V1/V2, v3 is for PAR V3
     AAAAAAAA is op.code/address DDDDDDDD is data

    # libpng required for building the source

  3. #43
    DCEmu Regular
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    I'm sorry you are feeling so disappointed with Takka's releases, please don't let them get to you. Its a shame that perhaps miscommunication might be causing some of the issues you discussed.

    As for the pressure that the scene is exerting on you, please try to ignore the rampaging hordes of idiots!

    Most people who have a brain and don't post "Zomg this roxxors !!!11111one" (the silent majority) are extremely grateful for your efforts and don't wish for you to become disenfranchised with what is your own excellent piece of coding.

    To everyone else that posts with unhelpful comments, shame on you! This is Exophases project respect his wishes and let him get on with it.

    Kind regards.

  4. #44
    DCEmu Old Pro mr_nick666's Avatar
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    Im not even sure why this was even posted in the first place? Exophase made it perfectly clear before that he didnt want any *******isations of his code. Why not just remove it?

    Please dont quit because of other peoples ignorance Exophase

  5. #45
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yo Exo, get this man, youre the one who invented this emulator and we ALL, and i mean ALL, know that. Even if this kai cat doesnt give you credit for it, or use it without permission or whatever the case may be just ignore the dude and i bet thats what everyone else will do too. You, for being a coder, shoulva known that. hehe its just like when youre famous and someone tries to take you down. Youre one of the best dogg, who put out one of the best, if not the best(for being so hard to do) emus out there. So be proud of yourself, put your head up like it should be and finish what you started (because thats why you started it, right?) We love you man and the only one getting the props here is you!!!

  6. #46
    DCEmu Newbie
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    matter of fact, i dont even know what that other release looks like...why should i buy a Hyundai if theyre selling a Mercedes for the same price. Ill patiently wait for youre next release. Meanwhile im playing all the games YOU made playable on YOUR emulator in the whole WORLD. thanks dogg

  7. #47
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Perhaps u guys haven't read the COPYING.doc in the archive of the original gpSP.
    GPL permits distribution of mods, u know?

    > 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
    >of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
    >distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
    >above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

    > 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
    >under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
    >Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

  8. #48
    DCEmu Regular
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    It helps if the MODS are productive though rather than counter productive.

    I put a lot of this down as misunderstanding due to the difficulties of Japanese to English communication though.

  9. #49
    DCEmu Regular
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    The mod isn't counter-productive though, it allows easier file browsing and fixes the additional input bug when leaving the menu, among other things. If someone doesn't like these changes then they don't have use this version, but you shouldn't deny others the oppurtunity to use it.

  10. #50
    DCEmu Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpacemanSpiff View Post
    The mod isn't counter-productive though, it allows easier file browsing and fixes the additional input bug when leaving the menu, among other things. If someone doesn't like these changes then they don't have use this version, but you shouldn't deny others the oppurtunity to use it.
    I beg to differ some of them are, the re-inclusion of the analogue for a start. Do you know how ignorant most of the people in the scene are? Who do you think they will complain to about this if they have problems? How does this help Exophase out except to give him more grief?

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