Worrying news if you're a big spender on Google Play.
Mobile security is always a big consumer fear, and following reports of Android malware rising by 300 per cent in Q2, app security provider Arxan Technologies claims 100 per cent of the top 100 paid Android apps have been hacked.
But don't feel so smug if you're on Apple, as data says 92 per cent of the top 100 paid iOS apps have also been invaded, alongside the top 15 free apps on iOS and Android.
In total, 40 per cent of popular free iOS apps have been hacked, doubling to 80 per cent for Android, spanning across genres including games, business, finance, social media, health, and more, demonstrating that no app will remain unturned.
The foreign penetration looks to achieve a series of goals such as disabling security, unlocking features, running illegal malware, and stealing codes and IP.
Jukka Alanen, VP at Arxan, said: "We envision a thriving app economy with freedom and confidence to innovate and distribute new apps. However, this potential is being threatened by hackers, and most enterprises, security teams, and app developers are not prepared for these attacks.
