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Thread: NO$GBA (DS Emulator for the PSP)

  1. #31


    Please please please can someone lock this

  2. #32
    PSP User aznTerz's Avatar
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    i don get this thread.....
    kinda complicated

  3. #33


    If we had DS emulation on the PSP, the only good game would be Pokemon D/P considering it doesnt need the touch screen very much. The only thing we would have trouble with is getting the pokeball to work at the beginning of the game

  4. #34
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    I'm not flaming here, but why-oh-why are there so many calls to get this thread locked, and so many flamers misreading other's posts and whining about them?

    I've actually found one or two interesting viewpoints in this thread, and I think the topic is fairly worthy of conversation (however pointless some may consider it).

    Of course, there are many threads like this one... but part of the reason is the constant crying, b**ching about locking, and fanboy rants leading to the disruption of otherwise intelligent discussion.

    If it wasn't for several "lock this" and "u sux coz u luv PSP/DS" posts, a thread such as this might qualify as having content with some intellectual value.

    If you don't like this thread, stop calling for it to be locked (as well it may be, soon enough) and just stay away from it. You'll find there's medication and effective treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder, so if you really can't stay out of a conversation that you disagree with, and really can't help disrupting what is otherwise a sensible discussion on a topic that you can't be rational about, then seek help - go see a therapist or something!

    On the topic again, I think it would be pointless anyway - the games on each device are pretty different; they appeal to different sorts of gamers, and while there is some overlap in genres, technical limitations (lack of touch-screen) make DS games impractical on a PSP, and technological limitations lead to the failure of highly-graphical ports to the DS (look at Burnout on the DS, for instance).

    My argument however was that while DS emulation would be clunky, awkward, impractical (and somewhat pointless) on the PSP (but actually possible), PSP emulation on the DS would be entirely impossible.

    Either way, I doubt either device's primary target groups would really give a damn (depite the obvious passions provoked by the merest mention), thereby rendering the entire debate redundant...

    ...and while it may seem that I'm agreeing with those who call for this thread to be locked, this is not the case. In fact, if it wasn't for seemingly pointless discussions, investigations, and experimentation, we'd all still be living in caves!

    In the end, not all that's seemingly meaningless is without value to anyone.

  5. #35
    King of killed the_eternal_dark's Avatar
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    It's not going to be possible because no coders would waste their time doing this. Just use the emu on your pc and if you can't use the emu, GET A BETTER PC.

  6. #36


    Besides, it's not open source.

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