We know the eagle eyed amongst you will have been tuning in yesterday, desperate to get your hands on a shiny new Lord of The Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar beta key to begin your journey into Middle-earth with Turbine and Codemasters' epic new Tolkien-based MMORPG.

But alas it seems the Nazgul have been spreading their nefarious influence and we've had to put yesterday's beta key giveway on hold. But fear not bold adventurer, patience is a virtue and fortunately the delay is only for a short while, while we plot and scheme to foil the machinations of the dark one. Or smoke another bowl of pipeweed, take your pick.

So CVG is please to announce that in just over one short week from now, you'll have in your hands all you need to experience the monumentally splendid Lord of The Rings Online, and here's our revised timetable of what you need to do:

Monday 5th February
New LOTRO Download client available to download and pre-load

Wednesday 7th February
5000 beta key giveaway (CVG registration required)

10th Februrary
Weeekend LOTRO Stress Test, first set of beta keys become active.

Week commencing 12th February
Further 8000 beta keys given away (CVG registration required).

Week commencing 19th February
Final batch of 10,000 beta keys to give away (CVG registration required).

During the giveaway, we'll be updating the site with a ton of great LOTRO features and articles, including interviews with the development team, hands on impressions from the beta Test (which we're absolutely hooked on), a chance to meet the CVG team in the gameworld (probably at the Prancing Pony), your LOTRO questions answered, plus exclusive movies, great features and competitions including a chance to win the Ultimate LOTRO Collectors' set, including a lifetime subscription to the game plus much much more!

By way of small compensation and we know it's ahem small compensation, we've managed to secure a brand new exclusive movie from the game, featuring those short doughty Shire folk, with hearts of gold and bellies of lead, the Hobbits! Enjoy and if you've any questions on the giveaway give us a shout in the comments field below.

News/Movie at CVG