November is to witness the release of EA's next Harry Potter game, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which will materialise alongside, and tie in with, the new Potter movie based on J.K. Rowling's fourth book in the series.
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry find himself competing in the Triwizard Tournament against other students of the magic arts, gawping at the Quidditch World Cup and tangling once again with Lord Voldemort. Allowing you to relive many of the scenes from the movie, the game features Harry, Ron, and Hermione as playable characters and includes co-operative play for two.

EA promises "fresh innovations" in the Goblet of Fire game, one of which is a new spell-casting system where every flick of your magic wand apparently sets force-feedback a-rumbling; and the benefit of playing co-operatively is that you get to combine magic to unleash "more powerful spells than ever before!". Wizard!
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is weaving its magic on PS2, PSP, Xbox, GameCube, Nintendo DS, GBA and PC.