Planning on getting a second or third mortgage to beef up your Windows box up to Crysis playable levels? You may want to read on. Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli told industry pub Next-Gen that gamers with older gaming PCs can still get their Crysis on, despite having a three year old set up.

So how does the current prettiest first person shooter plan to scale down to my current ghetto DirectX 9 hardware specs?

Fortunately this is much easier now that we can rely on the existence of hardware shaders. We believe clearly that Crysis will be enjoyed by a large audience that dates back to gamers with two- to three-year-old gaming rigs.

Yerli does warn though that you shouldn't spoil yourself on the DX10 version of the game, then try to go back to the decidely less gorgeous DX9 lest ye covet thy neighbor's graphics card. In other words, what you don't know won't hurt you.

Read on for the company's plans to move exclusively to Vista, but don't expect to find a release date. Yerli only gives us "asap". The wait doesn't bother me. I'll need to come across a few stray Benjamins before I'm signing up for Crysis.

via kotaku