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Thread: SANiK's Mario Demo

  1. #51
    DCEmu Pro dark heart's Avatar
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    2d eh? why is it better?? are the graphics better? are is the game play suddenly better because it's 2d??
    what makes 2d better than 3d?

    personally i don't go for graphics or flashy new effects and i certainly won't play a 2d game unless i know it's worth playing.

    And psp is capable of such greatness

    i am one of those people who hangs around for cool 3d releases like this, i won't pay money for a 2d game, you will only catch me playing one that i got for free.

    and another thing, what cool homebrew apart from any emulators, is 2d that is fun to play for more than five minuets? i could be ignorant here but so far apart from the ports, nothing much has caught my eye.

    i'm glad that this guy is sticking it to these no-hopers, who get something like for eg, halo, and take what made it a cool game and flatten it into a 2d game, it's the equivalent to getting a nice ripe cherry and pulverizing it into jam.

    But in all Ive said about 2-d sometimes you can't beat the classics.

  2. #52
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dark heart View Post
    2d eh? why is it better?? are the graphics better? are is the game play suddenly better because it's 2d??
    what makes 2d better than 3d?
    Considering this is a 2d playfield rendered in 3d, wouldn't a more relevant point be 'is the game play suddenly better because its 3d?'?

    As for not paying money for any 2d game, your welcome to your opinion but there are a lot of quality game ideas that simply do not require 3d, and often would suffer if implemented in it.

    Locoroco is a good example of that, its a good game. The monkey ball game on PSP is 3d yet awful. There are a lot of terrible 3d games, bad camera angles, annoying controls etc.

    Theres plenty of room for both in the gaming world, even on a console capable of good 3d gfx.

    New Super Mario Bros sold really well due to its classic, fun game play. It had some basic 3d added to jazz it up a bit for the modern console, buts it quality 2d game play stayed in tact.

    Quote Originally Posted by dark heart View Post
    i'm glad that this guy is sticking it to these no-hopers, who get something like for eg, halo, and take what made it a cool game and flatten it into a 2d game, it's the equivalent to getting a nice ripe cherry and pulverizing it into jam.
    And the quality 3d games you've produced that give you the right to criticize 2d game authors work are where?

    EDIT: Forgot to add, this demo is great work and shows real promise, I just strongly disagree that people should be put down for creating 2D homebrew just because others choose to/have the knowledge to create 3d homebrew.

  3. #53
    DCEmu Old Pro Baboon's Avatar
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    Its nice to see something that looks this impressive and that is completely original as a homebrew PSP game (demo).

    I totally agree with ya that there’s far to many cack looking 2D homewbrew games out there (although saying that there all better than anything I could program and I guess people have got to start somewhere).

    I do love my 2D games, its what I was brought up on (street fighter, final fight, bubble bobble, shinobi, r-type etc etc) and i’ll always have great affection for those classic titles, but we do live in a 3D world now and it would be nice to keep up with it. I also appreciate that by just making something 3D does not automatically make it a great game (ie: bubble bobble evolution & rainbow islands evolution), but as we can see by this demo (and even more recent 3D updates like extreme Ghouls and Goblins or even Strider 2) that it can add quite a bit and improve games!

    I hope somebody does take up the challenge and either complete this demo or be inspired and create something original and 3D.

    Top banana!

  4. #54
    DCEmu Rookie Paiku's Avatar
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    Shiat! This is ace, great jobb SANiK.

    Love to see a full game :O

  5. #55
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    Definately different. Would be nice if someone could continue the work you started.
    Nice job

  6. #56
    PSP User ENG's Avatar
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    WOW, this looks amazing, i would love someone to carry this on, it's the best piece of homebrew i've seen in a long time

  7. #57
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    Can every on make a MapMaker or

  8. #58
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    That looks really cool, nice work.

  9. #59
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by SANiK View Post

    I only did this to be able to say, "Stop with the effiing cheap ass 2D games."
    I'm mother effiing tired of seeing "OMG, 2D Halo" orrr "2D Mario" orr "2D Mario texture edit to make it look like 2D Sonic"
    The PSP scene needs new life
    hmm, i like it as a demo...but how long until we get to this
    "OMG, 2D Halo that looks like 3D" or "2D Mario that looks like 3D" or "2D Mario texture edit to make it look like 2D Sonic that looks like 3D"

    maybe we need to leave behind all the old IP and start moving on to new ideas... and perhaps if this demo featured original designs it would be more successful in that purpose [of course that is my own assigned purpose, rather than yours.. so no fault]

  10. #60
    PSP User xg917's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IamAbe View Post
    its true it aint easy, but once you learn how is alot of fun. i like making games now more than i like playing 'em!
    if your serious about learning to code, check out this site. the members are very helpful and nice, it also has some great tutorials. btw, the tutorial section only has very few of the tutorials, goto the c++ forum and goto the tutorials thread for the complete list. good luck!

    after i played it i was typing on my keyboard and i felt like the keyboard was round somehow. mad trippy
    yea i was serious, thanks man! :thumbup: this is going to be a kool adventure for me

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