Valve has revealed Steam’s latest top selling titles list, with Tomb Raider running to the peak position in its chart debut.
The game’s victory in its initial week of availability may not even be the most impressive feat on its own chart however, as Call of Duty Black Ops II and its DLC packages collectively finished third, fourth, and fifth behind Bioshock Infinite.
Skyrim and its Dragonborn DLC also grabbed two spots on the board, leaving little room for much else during the final week in February.

  1. Tomb Raider
  2. Bioshock Infinite
  3. Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Revolution
  4. Call of Duty: Black Ops II – Season Pass
  5. Call of Duty: Black Ops II
  6. Skyrim – Dragonborn
  7. Arma II: Combined Operations
  8. Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army
  9. Mark of the Ninja
  10. Skyrim and Fallen Enchantress