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Thread: New Code Contribution

  1. #1
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default New Code Contribution


    With respect, I stop posting on the "Tiles not showing" thread, as that got resolved a while ago. With your new code drop (thank you!) I'd like to focus on possibly adding new features / peer-review if it's OK with you. Please feel free to comment any time, it's your project, I only wish to contribute with coding and with your permission...

    This first post is to introduce some changes/additions to the non-USB trunk:

    - "Relaxed Search" in ADDRESS GEOLOOKUP ( It is enough to "roughly" specify the name of street etc. and it will offer the closest match )...
    - Added screenshot to Action Menu (before Help)...
    - Map movement speed can be 2x if the left button is being pressed in non-GPS mode...
    - Added recording to gps.txt if recording enabled...
    - "WIFI MAP UPLOAD" menupoint last in the map list...
    - Updated help.txt...
    - If startup map is specified, initialize GPS measurements properly...
    - Added feedback and graceful exit in case no map direcory found...
    - Some bug and minor compiler warning fixes...

    Here is the EBOOT.pbp and the sources/help.txt

    Regards, MIB.42

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    would this be for the PSP290 or GPSlim240?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    This is for the to the non-USB trunk, thus the GPSlim series. It works with my 240 quite well...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    I'm trying out the mod now. Here's what i've noticed. I'm not sure if it's because of the mod or if it's only with my PSP.

    I cannot see which item I'm selecting in the START menu.

    Also, might I suggest that for the 2x map movement speed, you use 'O' button instead of the left directional button, easier to access while holding the PSP with both hands.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by zsc View Post
    I'm trying out the mod now. Here's what i've noticed. I'm not sure if it's because of the mod or if it's only with my PSP.

    I cannot see which item I'm selecting in the START menu.

    Also, might I suggest that for the 2x map movement speed, you use 'O' button instead of the left directional button, easier to access while holding the PSP with both hands.
    1. Deniska made some changes the 'system' directory, please see attached rar file. Make sure you check&modify config.txt !
    2. Circle is used for putting pathpoints. Please see the help.txt file.
    3. Attached a new EBOOT.PBP, I fixed a line rendering bug which made the app freeze from time to time.

    Regards, MIB.42

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    ok, how about using the "mute/note/music" button?
    or, the 'O' button, but only when not in "marker" mode.

    Deniska just released the 0.488 beta, is your mod based on an earlier version?

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by zsc View Post
    ok, how about using the "mute/note/music" button?
    or, the 'O' button, but only when not in "marker" mode.

    Deniska just released the 0.488 beta, is your mod based on an earlier version?
    Both of them are doable. I'd want to coordinate with Deniska.

    Mine is based on his latest source drop as of yesterday (he marked it as 85), but looking at the code features, it's gotta be very close. I think my bugfixes and new features are really needed, so I am hoping he will eventually incorporate it... We are just working out how/where to drop the code. Regards.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Default First Source Code Drop


    Per our messages, here are the code changes, all marked with '// MIB42'...

    ChangeLog :
    - Fixed line rendering bug which made my PSP crash several times.
    - "Relaxed Search" in ADDRESS GEOLOOKUP ( It is enough to "roughly" specify the name of street etc. and it will offer the closest match ) ( modified address_geolookup2 and relared codes ) : also touched geo-client.cpp
    - Added screenshot to Action Menu (before Help) (Lat_Lon__daymon_hourminsec.png )
    - Map movement speed can be 2x if the left button is being pressed in non-GPS mode
    - Added recording to gps.txt if recording enabled ( fprintf(gpsout, "%s\n", buffer)
    - Modified qsort for map menu to exclude the "== WIFI MAP UPLOAD ==" menupoint to be put to the top of the list (... qsort( options, (optcount-((loadwifi>0)?(1)0))),sizeof(options[0]),opt_cmp); // To avoid == WIFI MAP UPLOAD == to be put in the beginning...)
    - Updated help.txt
    - If startup map is specified, initialize GPS measurements properly ( startupmaploaded )
    - Added feedback and graceful exit in case no map direcory found ( in readMapListings )
    - Adjusted position of text for draw_string( "POPULATE THE FIELDS BELOW AND PRESS [START] BUTTON", 42, 48);
    - Minor bug (utils.cpp) and compiler warning fixes

  9. #9
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    I've been meaning to fix many of these items for some time, but never found time...
    I'll go over the code changes on Monday and let you know if everything looks kosher..

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    As you are supporting deniska in the improvement of MapThis! I thought I might address this in this thread too
    I was going to use MapThis! to do some geocaching but noticed that the format of the POIs is slightly different when entering them in MapThis! compared to the format given for the caches:
    Format in MapThis is:
    N 52.5486111°, E 13.4194444°
    What I would need for geocaching is the WGS84 format like this:
    N 52°32.916667', E 13°25.166667'.

    Is it possible for you to implement a function to toggle between these two formats into one of your next releases?

    I have already googled a bit to try and find out how to calculate the three different values DD, DM and DMS.
    This is what I found:
    Given the lon. in DD E13.41944444°
    Take the part after the decimal point and multiply with 60 gives you DM:
    0.41944445 * 60 = 25,166667
    So DM value is then E13° 25.166667'
    Now take the part after the decimal point and multiply with 60 to get DMS:
    0.16667 * 60 = 10
    So DMS value is then E13° 25' 10''

    Vice versa calculation looks like this:
    Given the lon. in DMS E13° 25' 10''
    Take the second and divide by 60 to get DM
    10 / 60 = 0,16666666666666666666666666666667
    So DM value is then E13° 25.166667'
    For the DMS value calcultion is as follows:
    Divide the minutes by 60 and add the seconds devided by 3600
    (25 / 60) + (10 / 3600) = 13.41944444
    So we get the DD value now is E13.41944444°

    It would be super if You could enter POIs in all three values, and if you could also toggle the display to show all three depending on which one you want.

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