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Thread: is there still life out there?

  1. #1

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular WhizzBang's Avatar
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    Doesn´t look like it.

    I take a look here about once a week or so but am considering deleting the link to here from my toolbar. I have not found another (pleasant to visit) site that has the kind of things that this forum used to be good for so it is a shame that it has gone this way.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    the psychology behind homwbrew..
    here's the thing with the scene. in the beginning the true draw of homebrew for people was truly not the ability to play some lua game that someone worked hours and hours and possibly maybe one more hour on..
    in my opinion the real fire that made the scene burn was how great the psp and moble gaming scene in general was .. when you add to that the ability to unlock a portable and give it emulation to play nes-n64 it was just a powerhouse..

    then there was the dark draw of the unspoken words that no one at dcemu was allowed to utter, warez.. no one said it at the time. but all where pretty much doing it...

    the problem is these days, the portable scene has become something bigger then just gaming now.. everyone has a smart phone.. everyone has the power of sevral psp's in their hands at pretty much all times....

    so why isn't the homebrew scene as firey as it used to be?

    smart phones are pretty easy to unlock.. and the coder community for them are simply massive.. even commercial devs code for our smart phones...
    we have everything right here on them..

    how does a network like dcemu keep up in times like these?

    well it would be difficult no matter what we did.. there is simply to many amazing things to keep up with when it comes to smart phones ..

    fact, the portable market has not died. its more popular then ever.. its just geared tword everyone on the planet now in the form of a smart phone..

    what can dcemu do to premote itself?

    I've given wraggs a hard time over the years, mostly because it creates drama which drew people in to the site. wraggs is a smart man I'm sure he knew this.. positive of it.. but the man know how to run a website..

    firstly the homebrew scene in general needs to be retooled, times have changed, platforms have changed, the scene needs to change. there are no longer these locked doors to prevent us from running our homebrew..

    some sugestions would be, have our coders of course give themselves credit. but putting out software under a brand name is simply more professional, where I to code a program in this day and age. its brand name would be dcemu.

    showing that brand on google play would get our name out there to a great deal of people, while saving my own credits for in game or end game..

    dcemu needs an app on google play and a great number of its droid/ iphone apps in their markets respectively . but before that. it needs a comminity once again...

    what draws in a community? for me, what drew me in where the awesome coders that where more then willing to teach their craft to me.. quzar and darc and bluecrab most notably.. first the coder community then the students will follow...

    this is a long post and I am pleased if you made it this far bro..

    so much can be done so much can change for the better , but before we do that we need to focus on building a core comminuty,

    sorry for any typos or misspellings, I'm doing this from my phone which is simply a pain in the ass to correct at times..

  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder lmtlmt's Avatar
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    This makes me sad

  5. #5
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    It is true, there's little to no activity here anymore. Many that were here before have long gone and I don't see any new regulars coming anytime soon.

    @lmtlmt - long time no see, I thought you left without trace. How's life for you these days?

  6. #6
    DCEmu Art Pro
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    Thought I would check the forum for the first time in a few years.

    Just checking in to say hi. Loved the PSP scene while it was alive.

  7. #7
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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  8. #8

  9. #9


    Hahhahahahah for a gamer gaming is life...Btw I miss my life.

  10. #10
    Now with Blast Processing! Kaiser's Avatar
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    Been a real busy boy the last few years but I check in once in a while.

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