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Thread: Dear microsoft... a letter to MS about backwards compatibility.

  1. #41
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    you guys are the ones that don't get it.
    poor planning, poor integration, poor development.

    have fun buying your HDMI 120gb "elite" xbox 360's.

    You guys have no evidence of an xbox1 game looking for a "brand name" of a chip.
    you guys are 360 fanboys ready to defend the dumbass moves made by microsoft.
    i.e. not wanting to pay people like nvidia, and all the other corners they cut.

    furthermore, how dumb to build in specific hardware addressing by BRAND as you claim. if that is the case that was a completely stupid move.
    as long as new chips = old chips compatibility (wouldn't be hard, it isn't a custom chip in the old box) things should run.
    moreover, if these console makers (that you guys seem to worship, whom apparently can do no wrong in your eyes) would stop bullshitting everyone and differentiating Video Game Consoles from Computers, we'd have this backwards compatibility issue solved.

    Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega all have intentionally made consoles to be as complicated, developer unfriendly, proprietary, and consumer confusing as humanly possible.
    All this to turn massive profit and to prevent anyone form cracking their "amazing" systems open to more use beyond the 2007 HD version of Combat.

    You guys need to separate ETHICS and MORALS from some stupid hardware or technical errata relating to MS.

    it is what is. the 360 doesn't support the games due to a variety of difficulties... DUH.
    hardware, software, etc.
    ALL seen as "not a big deal" by MS.
    "everyone will be so into next gen, it won't matter."

    All that MS does is not RIGHTEOUS and in your BEST interest. WAKE UP.

    Do you guys work at microsoft or something? you a part of their $6 Billion dollar forum invasion and viral marketing campaign for the 360??

    maybe they could have spent that $6 billion dollars on some chips for the 360.

  2. #42
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    Excuse me? May I remind you Dreamcast is one of the easiest consoles to code for, this came from the horses mouth. You have no idea how this stuff works, go learn something before you try to argue it. And evidence is in emulation itself, coders need to soft emulate the chips, if thats not proof enough then you must not be too smart.

  3. #43
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    once again.
    hardware errata.

    you guys get around to the real issues, feel free to join the conversation.

    I'm tired of blatantly acknowledging the differences in the hardware/software so you hyper nerds will put a sock in it and come around to the other aspects of the business operations.


    I don't care what kind of emulation, chips, hardware, software , etc has to be used to get a job done.


  4. #44
    Acorn Electron User
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    Can't we be civil about this? Most people are happy to discuss this issue and it's highly likely that not everyone will agree with you all of the time.

    Why can't this be discussed (after all that's what forums are for) without the need for cheap insults and a rather belligerent attitude towards others? Maybe I'm misreading the tone of your responses, but calling everyone dipshits or dumbasses doesn't really help does it and it makes you appear closed to the opinions of others.

    So we're talking about morals and ethics? I would be upset if I was miss-sold my 360 but I knew before making the purchase that backwards compatibility was not 100%. It's not like we were told one thing then MS did something else. I'm not trying to defend MS and I don't consider myself to be a fanboy as I'm deeply dissatisfied with a lot of microsoft products (yes I like my macs, but that's a different discussion). I just feel you're going a bit overboard on this.

    I think we all agree that we'd like 100% backwards compatibility but like I mentioned before I see it as a bonus rather than a taken for granted aspect of the product.

    If you really feel that strongly about MS's ethics then just vote with your wallet and don't buy anything else by them and encourage others to do the same. Or start a petition for 100% backwards compatibility or something.

    Maybe we can discuss the best way to "encourage" MS or let then know so they can either act on it or do something about it in the future.

  5. #45
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    It was out of their control, how many times do we need to tell you that!

  6. #46
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    Wow I am sorry but you are ridiculous. We are not trying to attack your ideas, we are just trying to explain that M$ is not trying to rip you off.

    Microsoft didn't want to make a bulked up xbox 1 for their next gen console. They wanted to make a brand new system so they started from scratch. Unfortunately, xbox 1 games will not run natively on the xbox 360 cpu because they took this route. Thats why software emulation is required.

    You can put leaded fuel in a car that runs unleaded. It won't work (and probably end up damaging your car in the process). This is the same Idea with the Xbox 360. It has nothing to do with the Xbox 360 OS. I don't understand why you can't seem comprehend this.

    Is it supposed to be offensive that you are calling us Microsoft fanboys? Yes I do like my 360 but I have also liked my Sega, Sony, and Nintendo consoles I have owned too.

  7. #47
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Ok so its officially been 4 months since the last update. Whats all this BS about M$ making the most popular games backwards compatible? I STILL can't play Mechassault 1 or 2 or Timesplitters: Future Perfect on my 360, bricked or not. M$ Really just wants to test their supporters with bricks and battles...

  8. #48
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    I'm pretty sure I know MS and the 360 had no intentions of any backwards compatibility.
    I had no pre-conceived notions of it being 100% backwards compatible.
    it seems like it would have been painfully obvious to do that at start and MS intentionally elected not to.
    Their decision.

    I don't feel deceived or duped, except for the system constantly crashing, over heating and needing to be returned.

    I'm not debating any of that... and that is why people keep getting called dip$#@! and dumbass.
    as that was not what this thread was ever about.... but people keep trying to parry and dodge with topical shifting that is irrelevant to the main point of the thread:
    They SHOULD have done things different.

    NOW that lot's of people have purchased the system and the backwards compatibility seems to be more and more of an issue for MOST... what are they going to do?
    what can we get them to do?

    What can they take away from this? can we give them feedback and make them respect us a little more in the future?

    Since consoles are laid out in crazy custom circuitry running super customized hyper specified Bios and OS and special chipsets, we as consumers aren't left with a lot of options.
    And that is my very point.

    wouldn't we all agree if they'd stop trying to make consoles as these weird Frankenstein's of marketing and proprietary format madness, we could get a lot more usage out of these devices?

    It would seem pretty much everyone who has posted here is in agreement that there is at least 1 title from the xbox that you wish would play on the 360.

    boy, it sure would have been nice if Microsoft respected us as consumers and had ensured a more open and backwards compatible system.

    you know. like a PC.

    It's so nice to play a NEW FPS for my Mac in os 10.4.9 even though I bought the hardware for it in 2000.
    But hey, that's crazy talk.
    as that new OS certainly isn't capable of navigating that proprietary old motorola custom processor or weird APC graphic output format hardware.
    weird how a FREE game built for intel machines on the very latest OS will run on my old crusty G4 from literally 7 years ago. via smart development from mac.
    what a weird concept.
    even if my system is a PPC G4 on a 100mhz sys bus board.
    crazy. yet, this new game works on a intel core2 duo mac pro as well. ZANY...

    guess it is a real shame if video game console makers took the same approach.

    god forbid.

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