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Thread: Daedalus R11 plans

  1. #41
    PSP User On The Rise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zion View Post
    i wish everyone would stop harping on about compatibility.

    speed is the first step for a number of reasons.

    1. You can actually enjoy playing the games.
    2. You will have better sound.

    Why would anyone want every game to work but stay at the current speed?

    doesnt make any sense to me.

    So what if goldeneye or super smash bros doesnt work yet. I want to play them too but just have patience.

    As usual the moaners have got there way, and now he is working on compat for R11 rather than speed.

    If strmnrmn suddenly had to stop working on the emu for whatever reason, we would all know that you compat freaks are to blame for holding back the speed progression of this emu.

    Get over it and let it get decent fps first (25-30fps on most games) THEN worry about compatibillity

    I can agree with this somewhat. We need decent speeds to enjoy the emulator and then go to compatibility. It seems though all he has been working on is speed which is great:thumbup: but I guess he just wants to change it up a bit for people that want to see compatibility so he can make everyone happy. I don't mind that he is making a compat release because he has made statements saying speeds are coming along pretty well. I'm glad he is inclouding others opinions on the emulator.

    Thanks for all the hard work StrmnNrmn:thumbup:

  2. #42
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    I like the sound of R12 Great work!

  3. #43


    StrmnNrmn I've been appreciating your work since R1 and I'm very happy about the progression this emulator has taken. Since R11 will be a compatability release do you think there is any chance you can get Diddy Kong Racing, Super Smash Brothers, and Goldeneye to work in R11. Most importantly though I would liek to see DKR work on R11 because it runs at great speeds, from the display framerate option you can see it runs at speeds like Mario Kart 64. If you fix that annoying problem where the screen is just one solid color and make it so you can see where your going, then that would just be AMAZING. Please StrmnNrmn if you could get one game fixed in R11 please make it be DKR that game is great and I would really like to see it running on R11. Thanks for your work StrmnNrmn and I will continue to enjoy reading and testing your work!

  4. #44
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    I wish you would STOP asking about these games, i'm sure StrmnNrmn is aware they arent working. We don't need you to keep posting about it.

    Its getting a bit selfish and making you look very young.

    Give us all a break Kthx


  5. #45


    I don't care how it makes me look, yes I've asked about these games alot and it's because I haven't gotten a clear answer yet from StrmnNrmn about why they're not running. Now Wally your a person that stays around the pc alot, why don't you try some of your magic and see what the real problem with DKR is? Until StrmnNrmn would kindly address these issues with me or on his blog then I will stop asking about them.

    ps. Wally I don't know how those posts made me look "young" but really I don't care how they make me look because either way it doesn't change my age and what do I care about what some people on a forum think, I have a life. Have a nice time in Spain StrmnNrmn.

  6. #46
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    why don't you learn how to do it yourself :P.

    If you have a life then why keep pestering a developer over such small mingles (Yes its a random word Hurray)

    Just look after yourself, StrmnNrmn will fix DKR up eventually... Patience my padwan


  7. #47


    I'm not pestering anyone I'm just asking a simple question about 3 compatbility disabled games. Wally I have been here cheering on StrmnNrmn since R1 so I think I deserve a little more respect, anyway StrmnNrmn if you could get DKR working soon that would be great! Wally I'm patient, I waited with confidence for R9 I can wait out this DKR fix.

    ps. You answered your own question though, I can't fix the DKR problem myself because I do have a life and don't have time to learn about coding to fix the problem. Don't get me wrong I wish I could fix this problem myself, I really do but that fact makes me appreciate StrmnNrmn's work that much more though. I'm glad he works on Daedalus in his spare time and for free, I know he probably has a life and the fact he can take time out to work on this makes me appreciate it that much more.

  8. #48
    PSP User Emeriastone's Avatar
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    He does a good job.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Zion View Post
    i wish everyone would stop harping on about compatibility.

    speed is the first step for a number of reasons.

    1. You can actually enjoy playing the games.
    2. You will have better sound.

    Why would anyone want every game to work but stay at the current speed?

    doesnt make any sense to me.

    So what if goldeneye or super smash bros doesnt work yet. I want to play them too but just have patience.

    As usual the moaners have got there way, and now he is working on compat for R11 rather than speed.

    If strmnrmn suddenly had to stop working on the emu for whatever reason, we would all know that you compat freaks are to blame for holding back the speed progression of this emu.

    Get over it and let it get decent fps first (25-30fps on most games) THEN worry about compatibillity
    I way have to disagree with you how am i supposed to enjoy playing games when i cant even play what i want because it doesn't work. I think working on the compat is a smart idea because what if he focused on the speed and got it full speed then worked on the compat this could lead to him having to work on speed again because the compat could bring speed down again. So i think hes right in making R11 a compat release maybe now i can play something different then mario for Christ sake.

    Edit: o yea dont be blaming us who wants compat If he did stop working on it nones to blame for anything so your need to stop YOUR moaning man just because we who want compat get one release while you guys wanting speed have had plenty so i think those wanting compat deserve this. Only reason you posted this is because you didn't get what YOU wanted

  10. #50
    DCEmu Pro joshisposer's Avatar
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    Yeah, we could play Super Smash!!! and then i would happy for like ever. That game is just amazing! Also, NFL Blitz is fun, but not popular so maybe not work on getting that game to work...
    I just really want SSB to work because that game can just forever with all the different types of players you play with. Team, no team, stock, timer, etc.
    I truly think, Zion, your post isn't that great. We need compatibility so we don't get stuck with just Mario 64 and Mario Kart even thought they are working well. I can wait for those games to work. Maybe, two months or so for those games to work.

    Go Compatibility!!

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