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Thread: Please Help

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Exclamation Please Help

    Hey i just got my gps-290 , tested with green proggie and everything looks like its working perfect, but wait, longitude : -88.???? , negative that cant be right, do some searching ohh its the 2.71 prx's so well how about i just make my own 3.03 ones, ekkk those crash it, hmm well i have 3.10 oe a' so i guess 3.10 will be the best, green proggie test, longatitude ": -88.??? what the heck, still negative im in wisonsin and i know its not suppose to be negative well i generated a map out southern wisconsin and location is out of range so cant any one help me, ive tried almost every combination of prx's , only one i really havent tried is the mapplus one cause i cant find it, ive also tried map this .46 and the newest one, all say location out of range. help me!! i really want this to work,

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    Youre completely right, the altitude isn't correct. But this is a small error normaly. Only level isn't working, but in your case, your location is out of range. Strange, hope that MIB.42 can help you out.

    Please post your question again in the New Code Contribution tread. Bugfixes are presented there.

  3. #3
    PSP Coder deniska's Avatar
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    what's wrong with negative longitude??
    Last time I checked with Google maps - Wisconsin was somethere around 44;-89

    Try generating a bigger map (world size, perhaps) and see where it lands you...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by deniska View Post
    what's wrong with negative longitude??
    Last time I checked with Google maps - Wisconsin was somethere around 44;-89

    Try generating a bigger map (world size, perhaps) and see where it lands you...
    -88deg simply means W88deg since if a point is to the west of the prime meridian, the longitude is negative.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Apr 2007
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    thank you so much for the fast replies and not being to mean for my stupidity i love the program and im making a larger map right now, thanks again for such and great program and amazing help

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