View Poll Results: Do You Believe In Aliens?

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  • Yep, intelligent ones.

    24 63.16%
  • Nope, I'm a retard.

    6 15.79%
  • Yep, but non-intelligent ones.

    7 18.42%
  • Not sure. I haven't taken any time to think about it

    1 2.63%
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Thread: Do You Believe In Aliens?

  1. #71
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Default I never start fights, I tend to stop them... hard...

    I want you to imagine someone standing in front of you. He has tears in his eyes, but he's grinning broadly, so it's pretty obvious he's been laughing his nuts off. :rofl:

    Now, he extends an arm, slaps you on the shoulder and says in a hammed-up, sorta' campy, jovial way:

    "No, silly - you started it!"

    Now he looks as if he's waiting for the next serve. You probably want to hit him (being the good Christian and all), but there's a peculiar twinkle in his eye; and that grin... that damned grin... what is it with that grin..?

  2. #72
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White_Hawk_UK View Post
    I want you to imagine someone standing in front of you. He has tears in his eyes, but he's grinning broadly, so it's pretty obvious he's been laughing his nuts off. :rofl:

    Now, he extends an arm, slaps you on the shoulder and says in a hammed-up, sorta' campy, jovial way:

    "No, silly - you started it!"

    Now he looks as if he's waiting for the next serve. You probably want to hit him (being the good Christian and all), but there's a peculiar twinkle in his eye; and that grin... that damned grin... what is it with that grin..?
    It's called religious zeal, and it's something you have.

    What is with people, trying to disprove the other? In the end, you people will still believe in the same thing so what's the use?

  3. #73
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    Hey, it's alright. Doesn't bother me.

    I hate people that stereotype other people. I know most Christians aren't like that.

    But, we alien believers are stereotyped too. They make us look like we're insane people. That must be our government doing that.
    ok cool. as you all may know i am passionate in my beliefs but that by no means makes me dogmatic or a bigot. a close-minded person would not have questioned the creation story in genesis like i have or studied every other "mainstream" religion i could before settling on christianity.

    as for extra terrestrials im not sure if there are or not. of course we've all seen the videos of UFO's but whose to say that they arent experimental aircraft? my immediate feeling on the topic is that its prolly not intelligent E.T.'s visiting us for the last 50 years or more but never contacting us. i mean why repeatedly visit us but never go past flying over head?

    i know people say they've been abducted and all but the concept of a small human-like creature that evolved to that shape billions of light-years aways is a concept that well lets face it. the odds arent in its favor. if there are E.T.'s they wouldnt look anything like us unless you subscribe to the theory that they came here and planted us here and we descend from them.

    "No, silly - you started it!"
    really now? you posted this on page 6 post 52--

    Proof of Christianity? A cult that collated generations of fables and beliefs from a multitude of cultures, hi-jacked various pagan festivals (Christmas, Easter, etc), and then violently and mercilessly oppressed all other belief systems and non-conforming cultures within its field of influence. Yeah, sure, there's more proof of Christianity than there will ever be of God.

    Something that amuses me no end is the idea that someone (especially an adult) who believes an omnipotent deity created the universe in seven days, and that Satan planted dinosaur bones to confuse us (or that God did it for some sick joke or test of faith) can so easily dismiss even the undeniable possibility of life beyond our solar system.

    It's a bit like saying "there's no tooth fairy... Santa says so".

    Really, I'd laugh more if it wasn't so chronically sad.
    my first post on the topic was on page 6 post 55 which i believe was AFTER YOURS. how could i have started it if YOU POSTED FIRST?

  4. #74
    PSP User White_Hawk_UK's Avatar
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    Nice one.

    You have a point there - the idea of life elsewhere looking an awful lot like life here sounds incredible.

    The thing is that physics is pretty much a universal thing, and the very same rules of mathematical physics and chemistry that lead to such alarming occurrences of symmetry on Earth (in crystals and biology, for instance) are probably pretty-much Universal.

    This is in no way a well-informed opinion, but a moment's thought: if life does exist elsewhere, and, just supposing, the building blocks of these ET organisms relies on similar chemistry (I mean, just imagine, another watery, nitrous planet in orbit around a yellow dwarf), and the terrain is a solid, irregular mess that makes the evolution of wheels improbable (limbs, after all, are bio-mechanically easier to achieve) - then why shouldn't life develop elsewhere with a body+limbs configuration?

    Essentially, most complex life here is a basic worm (ie- a tube along which food passes) with variously sophisticated extra junk plugged-in at regular anchor points. This equipment, if one subscribes to the theory of evolution, develops as a natural solution to a need; to sense food, to move towards food, to make food more compliant to consumption, perhaps.

    Why shouldn't there be, among all the floating brain-gas-pods, and the sentient blobbelly-mushrooms, at least one creature that evolved to look just like Snoopy?!

    Seriously though, I should think that ET, if it's out there, probably has as many different forms as there are grains of sand on a beach - but the probability is that at least some of it could end-up looking vaguely hominid, even if the rest is just mobile goo.

    Just a thought.

  5. #75
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN View Post
    as for extra terrestrials im not sure if there are or not. of course we've all seen the videos of UFO's but whose to say that they arent experimental aircraft? my immediate feeling on the topic is that its prolly not intelligent E.T.'s visiting us for the last 50 years or more but never contacting us. i mean why repeatedly visit us but never go past flying over head?
    They wouldn't still be experimental after 50 years. Becides, people have been seeing them for 1000s of years.

    And if they were made by us, why aren't they mainstream yet?
    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN
    i know people say they've been abducted and all but the concept of a small human-like creature that evolved to that shape billions of light-years aways is a concept that well lets face it. the odds arent in its favor.
    Hell they aren't.
    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN
    if there are E.T.'s they wouldnt look anything like us unless you subscribe to the theory that they came here and planted us here and we descend from them.
    How do you know that? Have you met one?

  6. #76
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    look im just saying that just because you see something in the sky doesnt mean its an alien. its called a UFO for a reason ya know?

    if you believe we evolved independently into this form and that another species on a different planet did the same and we both turned out to have 2 eyes, a nose, a mouth, 2 legs, 2 arms etc. then you may need to look at the odds involved there.

    and no ive never met an ET but im willing to bet that they wouldnt look like us. unless of course you think they they planted us here and in that case they would.

  7. #77
    Dreamcast User gdf's Avatar
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    just because there's an old book written about something doesn't mean it's true. also i agree they wouldn't look like us. the most likely aliens nearby are microorganisms possibly on one of the moons of saturn. (the ice one).

    and dude fix your sig! ouch.

  8. #78
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    why must you constantly attack me? i left you alone now please do the same to me. ive already explained that the bible is 98% the same as the scroll's they were based on so please if you feel the need to attack me come up with something new.

    also no, they wouldnt look like us most likely.

    and no i like my sig the way it is.

  9. #79
    Dreamcast User gdf's Avatar
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    lol i wasn't attacking you, you brought up religion and made a comment that i thought i could turn around to wind you up which is clearly very easy. sorry i'll stop doing that now !

    your sig is like...demented man! I think it's my fault, put back your nice icy pic.

  10. #80
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    lol i like this one. fyi i wasnt angry. i thought i put everything very tactfully and was quite calm.

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