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Thread: Why does everyone hate Sony?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Why does everyone hate Sony?

    Everyone is always hating on Sony. No matter what move they make. People adored the PSP before it came out. Sure it's pretty much dying right now. But it's still pretty damn good. I mean what the heck. People ask for new features, Sony comes out with a new firmware so all the hackers hate them. Then people ask for the screen to be better, and for more onboard memory, Sony does so and gets humiliated.
    The PS3- everyone LOVED the PS3 before it came out. Then Sony delayed the PS3, and told them it was going to be $600. Now everyone is on Sony's back, trying to take them down. Sure there were shootings over the PS3, but was it their fault?
    Sony is a wonderful company that everyone has cherished for almost ever. Ever since I was a kid Sony was just the way to go. Sure they have gone through troubled times over and over (Betamax, etc.), but they always pull through. Just have a little hope.
    Sony brings out dozens of movies a year. Most of which are pretty good. Sony comes out with loads of CDs (okay, the little copyright infringement incident doesn't count), you probably listened to them in some way, shape, or form. Their speakers are uber! Their TVs just make anything look beautiful!
    So guys. You try to get 158,500 random people you hardly know, and make something better.

    To Sony

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    I agree,

    Its not sony to blame..

    Technically many products you use will have some sorta sony chip / device inside. So in theory dont bag sony, they are great..

    The only weak point is SCE (SOny computer Entertainment) and their advertising department. (Ads are lame)

    To Sony (not SCE :P)

  3. #3


    This hardly has anything to do with the PSP itself, buuut... I have nothing against Sony, however I do respect the anti-programmers that come up with down graders. So I am in the middle, I go my own way and don't specifically hate on Nintendo or Sony even though both companies do a lot of things that piss me off. Being Nintendo with their WiFi codes, and Sony with their security patches. Yet at a personal stand point, I am on neither side.

  4. #4


    For reasons why a lot of us dislike Sony as a company, go and read the "Sony is not the enemy" thread in the PSP news section.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I have nothing against Sony. I only have something against their ridiculously high priced MS/PS3.

  6. #6


    Yeah that too, a lot of Sony gaming things are way overpriced just like Xbox. Mem sticks are like 100 for 1g b..

  7. #7


    100 what? Fish?

  8. #8
    PSP User aznTerz's Avatar
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    same... i dont get why everyone hates sony....
    if it wasnt for sony there wouldn't be ur almost full speed psx emulator.... lol and ur custom firmware

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by aznTerz View Post
    same... i dont get why everyone hates sony....
    if it wasnt for sony there wouldn't be ur almost full speed psx emulator....
    ... which they duly locked down and tried to use to coerce PSP customers into buying their overpriced PS3 ...

  10. #10
    DCEmu Rookie eatnooM's Avatar
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    Just wondering, is this the new rant topic after the "OMG I HATE SONY GIVE UP ON BLOCKING HOMEBREW ALREADY" threads? Cos this sure as hell isn't the first post or thread I've seen on this topic. Congrats, after all this time, the people who cannot think for themselves have been informed that Sony actually make something that we use for enjoyment!

    [If there must be ranting, may it be about... ranting!]

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