So, 22 February 2014 it is then. Japan, Sony’s home country, which has always had a head start on PlayStation hardware, will get PS4 three full months after the US and Europe, and in its place this November we will instead get Vita TV, a newly announced miniature console for playing Vita-compatible games on your TV.And in a way, it’s no big surprise. Sony has several reasons to leave Japan till last on the PS4 list. Not that Sony can afford to coast in Japan – Xbox might be dead in the water here, but Nintendo is still top dog. Still, with Microsoft Japan labelling Japan a “Tier 2” region that is unlikely to see Xbox One in 2013, coupled with Wii U’s abysmal sales in Japan and everywhere else, Sony probably feels the home front is not at risk just yet.Also, the PS4’s launch line-up for November holds little appeal for Japanese gamers. With the exception of Deep Down and possibly Knack, these are exactly the sort of titles that no one here will want: shooters (Killzone Shadow Fall and Wolfenstein: The New Order), an overly serious racer (Driveclub) and another Assassin’s Creed game. If pushing back to February means a few more Japan-centric games, such as new Yakuza title Ryu Ga Gotoku: Ishin and another Dynasty Warriors game, it might make for a smoother launch.