New videos from the Sega Dreamcast emulator for Windows, still in development.
Click here if you want to download and see the videos:
Soul Calibur video
Guilty Gear video
Ikaruga video 1 video 2
Gun Bird 2 video
Zero Gunner 2 video
Project Justice video
Power Stone video
Last Blade 2 video

This is what the authors said (translated):

I managed to find an app which "cooperates" with Makaron and is able to fetch a movie from the emulator. It takes some cycles of my CPU, but something has to do the coding. Normally the emulator runs faster (e.g. Ikaruga doesn't slow down even for a moment). And there's no sound in the movies, because the free version... It's a success nonetheless, because FRAPS killed Makaron all the way. Of course the palette support is hardly software emulated "around", and some things mess up... but I still think it's nice.