Poll: Which Title Do You Want?

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Thread: *** OFFICIAL Daedalus PSP R13 Compatibility Poll ***

  1. #41
    DCEmu Newbie cyclonus002's Avatar
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    You people...complain about what only you want...Why not be happy all of this can even be done on the psp...?

  2. #42


    I've never found a working paper mario dump, so I'll wait for it on VC.

    I voted for sm64 perfection, hopefully support for extended roms.

  3. #43
    DCEmu Newbie
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    yea i voted for Zelda ocarina of time cuz thats the best game ever n u ppl noe it!!

  4. #44
    DCEmu Newbie bodie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainMorgan4 View Post
    Oh I knew the Zelda fans would overwhelm the votes but it's under my understanding that StrmnNrmn is going to be looking at the TOP 3 GAMES that are voted the highest. Please NOTE people that this poll DOES NOT mean StrmnNrmn will only be working on compatability for R13, this is just what titles we want him to work on. This does not mean StrmnNrmn will not being putting in further optimizations, this is just the compatabiity part of R13.
    Well, i think someone should make a totally unbiased poll, one that clearly isn't someone's favourites list. To have such a small amount of games to choose from is comical if nothing else, and i would assume very little help in the grand scheme of things.
    Conkers Bad Fur Day would be a bad choice for a start (My personal favourite game on N64.) You only have to go back to the early days of pj64 when the cpu's of the day were a limiting factor. It required a much higher system requirement to run certain games (Conker/Perfect Dark anyone!?,) transfer that thinking to the already extremely limited hardware of the psp. Not sure that realistically we are going to see such games any time soon, or ever.

    I would personally like to see more work to get a handful of games that are already running, full speed with sound. With some progress made in regards to using the ME.
    Sorry if that doesn't sit well with your loaded poll Morgan! And i would have voted, but i can't see the option to have a copy of Diddy Kong Racing complete with console rammed up your arse.

    Can somebody else do a proper poll?:thumbup:

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by wally View Post
    Banjo Kazooie purely because its an awesome game and I am yet to beat it on my N64
    you havent beat it yet?! lol wut lvl r u on

  6. #46


    First of all read the posts, this poll's options of titles are not "my favorite games" they are popular requested games from other threads before the poll was made. These were the most requested games to be on the list, so if you have a problem with it take it up with everyone here. If you ask me I think you should just leave or vote because StrmnNrmn and other homebrew fans don't need your negative energy. The poll isn't biased so please take your comments elsewhere, let us who actually like StrmnNrmn's work get along with the voting and enjoying R12.

  7. #47
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i agree with Captain Morgan4!
    he has a point bodie n if u really want a better poll than go make it urself and quit being so negative!!!

  8. #48


    I would vote Super Smash Bros, but it isn't on the list....

  9. #49
    DCEmu Regular xcjzerox's Avatar
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    goemon great adventure
    Mystical Ninja please please

  10. #50
    DCEmu Newbie bodie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainMorgan4 View Post
    First of all read the posts, this poll's options of titles are not "my favorite games" they are popular requested games from other threads before the poll was made. These were the most requested games to be on the list, so if you have a problem with it take it up with everyone here. If you ask me I think you should just leave or vote because StrmnNrmn and other homebrew fans don't need your negative energy. The poll isn't biased so please take your comments elsewhere, let us who actually like StrmnNrmn's work get along with the voting and enjoying R12.
    I wouldn't say having a little more knowledge in something is "negativity". I would think of it more as a realistic aim, and for the majority too, and not just for myself. If you see this as negativity then i would read again what i said. So you mentioned that this was a list made up of the "most requested games", yet i have seen a greater number than that being mentioned numerous amounts of times throughout these very forums. But that wouldn't give Diddy Kong Racing a fair chance of making StrmnNrmn's todo list..Would it!?
    And to say i don't appreciate StrmnNrmn's work is completely wrong, i have always been a great admirer of his work. And i believe he's got a good shot at making some of the more obvious roms run full speed with sound. And i have a genuine love for the n64 console and emulation in general, which is probably why i am a moderator on the Pj64 forum since 2001, and helped test a number of things. And your contribution to the scene is what exactly?

    I haven't come here to argue with you, just that i would rather have seen a poll by someone like Wally who doesn't mention "Diddy Kong Racing" in every other post. That's it and that's all!
    Also this: The reason why Diddy Kong Racing runs so fast is that it doesn't display anything significant.
    I am not against you Morgan, but i would have an infinite amount of respect for you if your personal choices were to the benefit of everyone.

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