The NPD Group has released its 2013 Online Gaming Report, which finds that nearly 50 per cent more console gamers use the Xbox 360 for playing online than the PS3.
Microsoft posted the results on the Xbox newswire, adding that the firm has seen more than 20bn hours of online gaming and entertainment delivered on Xbox 360 consoles over the last 12 months.
The figure represents a year-over-year growth of 17 per cent for the service.
We’re proud and humbled to be the top online gaming service," the post reads.
"With your increasing engagement with and growing community, we’re able invest in new features and future innovations that bring more amazing experiences to you and the community on Xbox Live."
The new statistics are part of Microsoft's new 'Week of Xbox Live' campaign. Microsoft will post daily updates with more news and information about upcoming Xbox Live features throughout this week.
The first post went over Xbox One's new Friends and Followers tabs, as well as the platform's new Achievement system.