via Computer and Video Games

On Tuesday NCSoft whispered in our ear about the bonuses Guild Wars disciples receive should they pre-order Eye of the North, and today it's entertaining us with a new trailer from the expansion.

Running for just shy of two minutes, you can clap eyes on the trailer in our video player top right.

It's great that Guild Wars creator ArenaNet is creating new content for fans of its MMO, but of course what we're really eager to see is Guild Wars 2. The developer's spoken quite openly about its plans for the sequel, however we've yet to view it in the flesh.

In the meantime then, Guild Wars: Eye of the North. Introducing the likes of 18 multi-level dungeons, 150 new skills across all ten Guild Wars professions, ten new heroes and 40 new armour sets and new items, it's out on August 31.

Trailer here