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Thread: Videogames nearly half of all Canadian industry sales

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Default Videogames nearly half of all Canadian industry sales

    via Games Industry

    The NPD Group has reported that Canadian videogame retail sales have reached USD 498 million in 2007, a 61 per cent increase from last year.

    This is the fifth consecutive mid-year time period in Canada that sales were higher than the previous year. Sales of videogame hardware have also risen 111 per cent over the prior year.

    "The video game industry in Canada is strong and continues to perform extraordinarily well," said Darrel Ryce, the NPD Group's director of technology and entertainment.

    Combined portable and console software sales reached USD 205.5 million, accounting for 46 per cent of Canada's total industry sales.

    No Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 titles were ranked in the top ten Canadian software sales for 2007 to date. Four Wii titles made the chart, including Wii Play in the top position. The DS titles Pokemon: Diamond, Pokemon: Pearl, and New Super Mario Bros. also made the chart.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie Elmarco's Avatar
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    Woah........ just.... woah.......

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