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Thread: [RELEASE] Xandu's Media Player 1.2c CONCEPT THEMES ADDED!

  1. #21
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthPaul View Post
    What the hell?
    I thought the Music Quiz was there just to add some more text to the Gui or something. It never works for me,I just press it and nothing happens.
    I don't know if it happens in this version because I haven't test it yet...
    Lol no it's perfectly functional.
    Enter music library, enter a folder with lots of music, press back and directly open music quiz. Report back if it doesn't work .

  2. #22
    DCEmu Legend DarthPaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by -Xandu- View Post
    Lol no it's perfectly functional.
    Enter music library, enter a folder with lots of music, press back and directly open music quiz. Report back if it doesn't work .
    Nope,nothing. Maybe it could've worked if I had the folder with "lots" of music.. I only have 3 mp3's in my PSP.

  3. #23


    damn .. it freezes for me when i try to go into the music folder

  4. #24
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidSN View Post
    damn .. it freezes for me when i try to go into the music folder
    What error does it give you? Make sure you either have music in PSP/MUSIC or MUSIC.
    Darthpaul: yep, that's why. It needs atleast 6 songs to play .

  5. #25


    no error message, it just freezes then restarts after a while.
    + i tryd the music folder in both paths but its still the same situation.
    + my music folder on the psp has 946MB worth of songs..

  6. #26
    PSP Coder -Xandu-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidSN View Post
    no error message, it just freezes then restarts after a while.
    + i tryd the music folder in both paths but its still the same situation.
    + my music folder on the psp has 946MB worth of songs..
    Make sure your songs don't have weird characters, ie. (Japanese or Chinese characters).

  7. #27
    DCEmu Legend acn010's Avatar
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    oh god... thats one problem you should fix

  8. #28


    wow thx this is great, the ONE thing about the psp that grinds my gears is the mp3 sound is so damn low unless you have really loud earphones you might as well not listen to it outside

    i walk alot so i am using my psp for mp3s while i walk and when cars go by you cant hear $#@!, the only earphones that are loud enough are noise cancelling or the ipod ones (they are actually really good earphones even if the shuffle dock sucks)

  9. #29


    LOL omg yeah i have like half of my songs in kanji... straightener ellegarden flow and beat crusaders all have many foreign characters in the song titles...

    yeah your gonna want to add foreign character support... -_-

  10. #30
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I had the problem described early on in this thread, with 1.2c. Moving my music files fixed it. However, I think this needs to be addressed yet again.

    GUI needs to be cleaned up. Here are my suggestions:
    • Headers ("Xandu's Media Player", "Settings", etc) needs to be aligned properly. It's too high, and sometimes a little to the left.
    • The battery icon should be moved down a few pixels to be centered with the top gradient (like-wise with the headers, as explained above).
    • Music Library arrow should be aligned with the other arrows.
    • Should be a little padding between the text and the left edge of the screen.
    • Slide effect is choppy for me. Option to turn it off?
    • Option to turn off Music Quiz. When turned off, it shouldn't appear in the main menu. (I like my menu's to be cleaned.)
    • The "Now Playing" window appears slightly to the right by 2-3 pixels. (See the gradient.)
    • Using the L/R buttons while playing a song is a bit choppy, in terms of sound.
    • Scroll bar is screwy (visually): Mess around and you'll see what I mean.
    • Press and hold arrows to scroll would be a nice touch.

    That'll make you busy. :P

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