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Thread: Heavenly Sword not possible on DVD

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 Heavenly Sword not possible on DVD

    via Computer and Video Games

    The benefits of the higher storage capacity of Sony's Blu-Ray discs have once again been pulled into the spotlight as Heavenly Sword chief development 'Ninja', Nina Kristensen, tells CVG that the game would simply not be possible on DVD.

    "We have jam-packed the Blu-Ray disc absolutely full," declared Kristensen, as she confirmed rumours that the audio alone was allocated 10GB of space on the 25GB Blu-Ray discs.

    That's more than an entire dual-layer DVD game, which holds a total of 8.5GB.

    We wondered if this meant compression methods usually used to squeeze content onto normal DVDs had not been used, but Kristensen insisted otherwise: "We used compression all over the place. We had to be really judicious at the end with what was going on the disc and what wasn't.

    "I think it's one of those things - if you give us the space we're going to fill it with stuff. It means the audio can be of a higher quality and stuff like that. It all adds to the quality of the package," she told CVG.

  2. #2


    Multi-disk games anyone?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by DimensionT View Post
    Multi-disk games anyone?
    This has been said alot in response to Blu-Ray, and quite frankly, I don't see it happening a lot with these next-gen titles (well perhaps for the 360, still using DVDs...)

    Look back in history, when we had CDs only for games. There were plenty of multi-disc games. Then the next generation came around and we were using DVDs for games. Why use multiple CDs when one DVD sufficed?

    Really, there is no reason to regress. For the 360, which has no other option yet (although I will not be surprised if Microsoft makes HD-DVD necessary for Halo 3...), then yeah this is the way to go.

    But why would developers making games for the PS3 go multi-DVD when they can use 1 Blu-Ray?

    You can fit nearly 6 DVD games on 1 Dual-layered Blu-Ray.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by F9zDark View Post
    This has been said alot in response to Blu-Ray, and quite frankly, I don't see it happening a lot with these next-gen titles (well perhaps for the 360, still using DVDs...)

    Look back in history, when we had CDs only for games. There were plenty of multi-disc games. Then the next generation came around and we were using DVDs for games. Why use multiple CDs when one DVD sufficed?

    Really, there is no reason to regress. For the 360, which has no other option yet (although I will not be surprised if Microsoft makes HD-DVD necessary for Halo 3...), then yeah this is the way to go.

    But why would developers making games for the PS3 go multi-DVD when they can use 1 Blu-Ray?

    You can fit nearly 6 DVD games on 1 Dual-layered Blu-Ray.
    Yeah, I know doing this for the PS3 would be stupid.

    I just said what I did in responce to the guy in the main post saying "this game wouldn't be possible on DVD". The only way it would be impossible would be if the game constantly loads a DL-DVD disk worth of data, which isn't feasable.

    Saying that it can't be done on DVD is a lie. The "10GB of sounds" or whatever could just be stretched out over numerous disks. Even if it takes 7 DVDs (blue-rays hold 60GB and DL-DVDs around 8GB right?), it would stil be completely doable.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bleahy
    Fanboys are going to jump all over this one, but we find it interesting that Ninja Theory is so quick to brag about how they filled the disc when early reports claim the game takes under 10 hours to complete.

    TheFeed believes that Blu-Ray should be used to extend gameplay and give gamers more than 5.1+ surround sound that takes up a third of the space. A lot of sound means what? A lot of cutscenes! Hopefully the game will be fun and have some replay value.

    At least it will sound great!
    I read this over at makes a lot of sense. I want a game to play, if it is going to be a bunch of clips with little gameplay, I would rather save my money and watch the clips on the gameplay hd channel.

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    yes yes funny that pc games that some people play at resolutions of GREATER THAN 1080P (like say... bioshock on the pc side) can scale so well but when it's a console you need 7X the space

    ah and looking at my bioshock install directory it's only taking up 5.5 gigs they were at least 2.5 gigs from filling the disk if they were seriously constrained they would be pushing that upper limit.

    btw yes it is the steam version they don't feel the need to pad everything to make it look bigger.. if they did they could pack in some extra 00's anywhere they wished. (you can pack terrabytes of 00's in a tiny 5-6 k compressed file)

    now... how big is that sword in heavenly sword again???? is that some sort of complex?

  7. #7
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    PS3 owners get more bang for their buck. Already the fiasco with PGR4 has shown that developers are designing content with the DVD limitations in mind therefore they cut out certain ideas before going to development that would've been in there if they had the storage space. PS3 owners get more for their money. But 360 owners will settle for less. Well... so long as you enjoy what you have it it doesn't matter that much. In any case I highly doubt BioShock will carry the high quality surround audio that Heavenly Sword provides, nor does it contain multi-languages. ID has already stated that their high res textures will require multi-disc for 360 and PCs whereas only one blu-ray disc for PS3. In due time more games will require a HDD to play on 360.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdnation View Post
    PS3 owners get more bang for their buck. Already the fiasco with PGR4 has shown that developers are designing content with the DVD limitations in mind therefore they cut out certain ideas before going to development that would've been in there if they had the storage space. PS3 owners get more for their money. But 360 owners will settle for less. Well... so long as you enjoy what you have it it doesn't matter that much. In any case I highly doubt BioShock will carry the high quality surround audio that Heavenly Sword provides, nor does it contain multi-languages. ID has already stated that their high res textures will require multi-disc for 360 and PCs whereas only one blu-ray disc for PS3. In due time more games will require a HDD to play on 360.
    Large games may simply be the result of poorly optimized programming, not an indication that they couldn't be smaller if they had to be, and still deliver the same experience.

    As programmers get better at developing games, they figure out how to do more with less resources. Compression routines improve over time, and multimedia formats become smaller (such as the development of the mp3 and DivX formats).


  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by jdnation View Post
    PS3 owners get more bang for their buck. Already the fiasco with PGR4 has shown that developers are designing content with the DVD limitations in mind therefore they cut out certain ideas before going to development that would've been in there if they had the storage space. PS3 owners get more for their money. But 360 owners will settle for less. Well... so long as you enjoy what you have it it doesn't matter that much. In any case I highly doubt BioShock will carry the high quality surround audio that Heavenly Sword provides, nor does it contain multi-languages. ID has already stated that their high res textures will require multi-disc for 360 and PCs whereas only one blu-ray disc for PS3. In due time more games will require a HDD to play on 360.
    How exatly are PS3 gamers getting more for their buck? By getting 10GB more of shows that play on the TVs in The Darkness? They could've easily spread that useless 10GB over multiple disks, and it would've cost the same to buy. It's cheaper to print 2/3 DL-DVDs then one blue-ray as well.

    Multi disk games mean nothing more then having to swap the game at some point.

    "OMG! I have to get up and put another disk in the tray? That's lame!"

    "Should've gone with blue-ray"


  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular Cokemusic's Avatar
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    I hate disc swaping personaly , increases no. scratches and when I'm feeling lazy it's a pain.

    Plus Blu Ray sounds cooler , if that isn't a good enough reason I dunno what is.

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