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Thread: Heavenly Sword not possible on DVD

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    yeah I know 10 gigs of sound data must make it sound 10X better that 1 gig of sound data.......

    just like how xbox had true 5.1 sound in games that made all the games better than the ps2 ones... right?

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Cokemusic View Post
    Plus Blu Ray sounds cooler , if that isn't a good enough reason I dunno what is.
    LMAO!!! Thanks for pointing that out to me.

    Runs off to buy a PS3

    Quote Originally Posted by rokobungi View Post
    yeah I know 10 gigs of sound data must make it sound 10X better that 1 gig of sound data.......

    just like how xbox had true 5.1 sound in games that made all the games better than the ps2 ones... right?
    Yup... 5.1 makes your video games sound better then the things you hear in real life.

    They say 10GB of sound, but they don't anything about what those 10GB sound like. For all we know, they could be 10GB of Atari style beeps and boops... That aren't even used in they game. Just so they can say "Hey! The sounds on our disk take up more space then the biggest 360 game!".

  3. #13
    DCEmu Coder lmtlmt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DimensionT View Post
    How exatly are PS3 gamers getting more for their buck? By getting 10GB more of shows that play on the TVs in The Darkness? They could've easily spread that useless 10GB over multiple disks, and it would've cost the same to buy. It's cheaper to print 2/3 DL-DVDs then one blue-ray as well.

    Multi disk games mean nothing more then having to swap the game at some point.

    "OMG! I have to get up and put another disk in the tray? That's lame!"

    "Should've gone with blue-ray"

    hahaha Ps3's do not have disc trays, and blu-ray is not spelt with an 'e' plus wouldnt you rather not have to swap a disc than swap one?

    if you would rather get up and swap a disc apposed to not having to swap a disc and load it all up again then you are an idiot.
    :thumbup: :thumbup:

  4. #14


    Sorry, but I'm not a fat, lazy a-hole. Having to get up for 10 seconds to swap a disk means nothing to me.

    You missed my point...

    The only swapping that needs to be done, would be on the 360 (hence disk tray). That guy was implying that the PS3 gives more bang for it's buck over the 360, for stupid reasons. There's nothing the PS3 can do content wise that the 360 can't (all be it with more then one disk).

    As for "blu-ray"... Who really gives a crap?

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DimensionT View Post
    Yeah, I know doing this for the PS3 would be stupid.

    I just said what I did in responce to the guy in the main post saying "this game wouldn't be possible on DVD". The only way it would be impossible would be if the game constantly loads a DL-DVD disk worth of data, which isn't feasable.

    Saying that it can't be done on DVD is a lie. The "10GB of sounds" or whatever could just be stretched out over numerous disks. Even if it takes 7 DVDs (blue-rays hold 60GB and DL-DVDs around 8GB right?), it would stil be completely doable.
    It could be done, but at what cost? Developers would have to pour over each and every level determine all the sounds, dialogue, music, etc and then hand copy them all to the disc. And do this with every disc.

    Yeah its doable, but heaven forbid the devs mess up, putting one line of dialogue on disc 2 when it belongs on disc 3.

    Like I said, it can be done, and developers have had little problems making multi-disc games in the past. But then again, we don't know exactly what went into making that multi-disc game. Maybe they had a program which automatically scanned all the data and piled it into disc ISOs based on how the story of the game will play out. Maybe they had to hand select everything.

    But doable or not, its just plain easier to release a game on a single disc.

    Quote Originally Posted by rokobungi View Post
    yes yes funny that pc games that some people play at resolutions of GREATER THAN 1080P (like say... bioshock on the pc side) can scale so well but when it's a console you need 7X the space

    ah and looking at my bioshock install directory it's only taking up 5.5 gigs they were at least 2.5 gigs from filling the disk if they were seriously constrained they would be pushing that upper limit.

    btw yes it is the steam version they don't feel the need to pad everything to make it look bigger.. if they did they could pack in some extra 00's anywhere they wished. (you can pack terrabytes of 00's in a tiny 5-6 k compressed file)

    now... how big is that sword in heavenly sword again???? is that some sort of complex?
    The thing is, PC games are vastly different. For instance, ultra compressing the data for INSTALLATION is alot easier and more efficient than ultra compressing data for READING (as in console games).

    The more time spent having to decompress the data and write it to memory, the more loading time is necessary. PCs this isn't a problem, since once that data is decompressed, its written DECOMPRESSED to the hard-drive.

    The whole PC argument from either side (for Blu-ray or against Blu-Ray) doesn't really hold up because PCs CAN afford 99.9% compression on all files to make it fit on a DVD, because its going to be installed to hard-drive anyway.

    Consoles can make use of compression where necessary, and have done so in the past. But the compression isn't nearly as good as those put into use on PC games when developers are really aiming for a single disc game.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DimensionT View Post
    They say 10GB of sound, but they don't anything about what those 10GB sound like. For all we know, they could be 10GB of Atari style beeps and boops... That aren't even used in they game. Just so they can say "Hey! The sounds on our disk take up more space then the biggest 360 game!".
    I'd like to believe with Andy Serkis (voiced and did motion capture for Gollum) and Weta (did special effects for LOTR) working on Heavenly Sword that the 10gbs of sound wouldn't be Atari beeps.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by F9zDark View Post
    I'd like to believe with Andy Serkis (voiced and did motion capture for Gollum) and Weta (did special effects for LOTR) working on Heavenly Sword that the 10gbs of sound wouldn't be Atari beeps.
    You never know...

  8. #18


    I didn't really mind swapping for the Final Fantasy's. I don't think it's that big a deal, but does leave a lot more room for stuff like 10gb's of sound if developed on bluray!

  9. #19
    DCEmu Newbie
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    really though it's only 900 MB of sound data per language if you want to look at it that way.. they could do this on dvd just without all the language options. besides even though the games are region free doesn't mean sony likes people to import or that they will do a worldwide simul release on the game .. does it? remember that lik sang thing?

    and some xbox360 games DO decompress to the hard drive (along with just raw copying the data to the hd) to speed things up

    again I have the steam version.... EVERYTHING is ALREADY on the hard drive... and it's still only 5.5 gigs if it's so massively compressed that it would stress the processor for even a second I'm sure they would decompress the more used textures a bit

    if bioshock had 11 language options and lossless compression I bet it would take a lot more than 10 gigs of data

    and don't all the HD(edit:that means High Definition so the wii isn't included) next gen systems have HDD's anyways..(that's the worst thing ms did is make the HDD 'optional' when you really do need it for some of the functions.)

  10. #20
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    As far as I know, the Wii does not have an HDD and the 360 Core does not either.

    I really don't understand why MS shafted Core owners. Some people say they don't exist, but really, whats the point to the Core at all? No HDD, which is apparently needed for BC.

    And the HDD found in the Premium is paltry as hell. Last time I ever used a 20gb HDD was 6 years ago.

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