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Thread: FPSes

  1. #1

    Default FPSes

    Now that the Quake III source has been released, I definitely think that a game based on that could\should be developed. Even if it's just a really cool mod, that's all Counter-Strike is. Or there's the Cube engine, or it's bigger brother, Sauerbraten (though I doubt that would run on a DC). With a bit of porting, these games could be packaged and sold, kinda like Feet of Fury. A team of dedicated developers could sure give it a go, especially if there's the chance of production copies and cash at the end of the tunnel.
    Good idea\bad idea? I think it'd be better than yet another Shmup.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    cool idea and i'd second that. there won't be any commercial releases though since the source code is published under the gpl and that only allows non-commercial use. if someone wanted to make a commercial game with it, he still would have to buy a licence from id software. even if commercial usage was free, developing a game of commercial quality and selling it that way would be most likely not very rewarding considering the costs of game development and the rather small market to sell it later on.

    this of course doesn't stop fans to create something on their own and distribute it freely.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Xiaopang View Post
    cool idea and i'd second that. there won't be any commercial releases though since the source code is published under the gpl and that only allows non-commercial use. if someone wanted to make a commercial game with it, he still would have to buy a licence from id software. even if commercial usage was free, developing a game of commercial quality and selling it that way would be most likely not very rewarding considering the costs of game development and the rather small market to sell it later on.

    this of course doesn't stop fans to create something on their own and distribute it freely.
    Well Cube is on the zlib license, which is a 'do what you want, but don't say you made it' license. Plus, I'd rather see Cube (or Cube 2) anyways.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by djcrazymonkey View Post
    Well Cube is on the zlib license, which is a 'do what you want, but don't say you made it' license. Plus, I'd rather see Cube (or Cube 2) anyways.
    yeah cube would be interesting, but consider this: cube was released in 2001. at this year the dc was still alive and kicking, but up to now no one seems to be interested in porting this engine to the dc, so i don't see why someone would want to start now. would still be cool though

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xiaopang View Post
    cool idea and i'd second that. there won't be any commercial releases though since the source code is published under the gpl and that only allows non-commercial use. if someone wanted to make a commercial game with it, he still would have to buy a licence from id software.
    the gpl allow you to sell your programms (etc).
    but you must release the source-code of it. thats not the problem.

    3d-accelation is realy bad on the DC (so far). chui ported neverball - so he is working on better 3d-support. it will take some time...

    and quakeIII/cube are not a bit of porting

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by b0bel View Post
    the gpl allow you to sell your programms (etc).
    but you must release the source-code of it. thats not the problem.
    excerpt from the license of the q3source:

    "Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution...)"

    this is the only reference to commercial releases in the entire license file. so much for selling recompiled source code...

    Quote Originally Posted by b0bel View Post
    3d-accelation is realy bad on the DC (so far). chui ported neverball - so he is working on better 3d-support. it will take some time...
    might be bad for people who have either no sdk or the knowledge on how to use the dc's 3d-api. apparently 3d acceleration is great, or otherwise we wouldn't see so many high-quality 3d-titles..

  7. #7


    We will see a Half Life mod for Dreamcast, it's about counterstrike

  8. #8


    counter strike dc is already out....

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