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Thread: Maxconsole's Origins - The Real Deal

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Forum Maxconsole's Origins - The Real Deal

    News from Brakken

    Okay, now you've seen and might remember the official post by Zeus (aka Malloc) made when he took control of Maxconsole. In this instance taking control means stealing the entire site contents and moving it to a different domain. What? Yeah, you're old pal Zeus is guilty of betraying Maxconsole's original owner who was in this instance foolish enough to give Zeus complete access to the website's FTP server and mySQL databases.

    So what's the above picture all about? Well, according to Zeus the owner of Maxconsole was going to sell the site (not just the domain) to Divineo. Zeus claimed that he didn't want Divineo in control of Maxconsole and "liberated" it from it's owner. Once Zeus stole the site and put it on the .net domain the original site (.com) was closed and the domain set for sale. Instead of trying to fight out the battle with Zeus the original owner decided to close the site and try to make some cash off of the domain.

    In the end Zeus with the help of Divineo purchased the .com domain and then Zeus going back on his word dedicated the site to promoting Divineo and it's affiliates for the monthly hosting fee costs and a flat rate of $1,500 per month for his services. So, Zeus lied to me about the entire deal. He stole the site and took control of it so he could sell it to Divineo and cut it's real owner of the deal.

    Who's my source for this information? Myself! I was an forum moderator at the time and when the move happened the situation became tense and sadly, in most part due to Zeus's nice guy act I took his side in helping him undermine the true owner of Maxconsole. Of course, I did this under the impression that he was indeed trying to save the site from Divineo. He lied to me.

    Source Material:
    Zeus's Bank Account Transfer Statements (Don't ask, I'm not giving them out)

  2. #2
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    thats messed up, its situations like these, makes you if your a owner of a forum/site, that if you should really place such trust with the people you work around with, even though you may know them closely, they could always change, I know for that as a fact, as I have been betrayed quite few times -____-

  3. #3
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    That site is seriously messed up, it's a good thing I'm not a member of their community.

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