via Computer and Video Games

Rare isn't entirely ruling out a PC version of its new Banjo-Kazooie game for Xbox 360, it's emerged.

"We'll probably make a decision when Banjo-Kazooie is finished about moving it to PC", Rare designer Justin Cook has told PC Zone magazine in a recent interview.

"The team is pretty much full-on with designing it at the moment, and the last thing on their minds is whether it'll make it to other platforms", he added.

It's an odd one to bring to PC though, and indeed Cook suggests it would hinge on the control scheme working successfully with mouse and keyboard.

"The question you should ask", he said, "is whether the first two Banjo games would've mapped well to PC controls - we found they were a natural fit for consoles really".

So we'll have to wait and see...

Rare, of course, is currently working on a PC version of Viva Piņata, Cook saying that as the developer's first PC release it's "quite exciting".

"When we were developing Viva Piņata originally, we thought about putting on the PC, as it's the type of game that suits it, being a sandbox-type game", he revealed.

You can read PC Zone's full interview with Justin Cook in issue #187, out now.