via Computer and Video Games

There's more chatter over a possible Elder Scrolls MMO this morning, as crafty internet dwellers have discovered Bethesda's registration of

The website's currently a dead end and Bethesda's Pete Hines says it's just nabbing URLs to prevent squatters getting their first.

Adding to the speculation though is Bethesda parent ZeniMax's recent commitment to MMO development.

Last week the company said it will be using funds from Providence Equity Partners for "future growth, increased game development and publishing, facilitation of acquisitions, and financing of massively multiplayer online games."

The investment follows the formation of ZeniMax Online, a dedicated MMO division headed up by former Mythic producer Matt Firor, whose work includes Dark Age of Camelot. ZeniMax Online's project is currently under wraps but who knows, Bethesda could be loaning out its IP to the more experience online dev.

Hines, expectedly, is keeping quiet on what the MMO is, but FallOut 3's still due for release next year.