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Thread: Singapore POI/Geodata Contributions.

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    sorry, updated file here.

    my mistake i misplace the long with the lats..Attachment 21827

  2. #12
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I am new in here.

    I get PSP GPS but I do not know how to use it. I am from Singapore.

    May I know where to download the MAP THIS! software to put in my PSP and at the same time put the Singapore and Malaysia map into it..

    So that I can use PSP GPS and guide me through.

    Hope someone can teach me and guide me.

    Thank you.

  3. #13
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Amended

    This is the amended format that was able to work after i edited. Pls review

  4. #14
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default geodata

    jake, i've problem understanding what geodata is. Does it contain postal codes and street names of the country? Can you give me a guide on the steps to doing the geodata, doesnt have to be singapore but i just wanna know how it works. Maybe sweden map with their geodata? Just wanna understand this whole thingy.. Thanks

  5. #15
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by niteloner View Post
    This is the amended format that was able to work after i edited. Pls review
    I already edited mine..
    Quote Originally Posted by jakekoh View Post
    sorry, updated file here.
    my mistake i misplace the long with the lats..Attachment 21827

    Quote Originally Posted by kent86 View Post
    I am new in here.
    I get PSP GPS but I do not know how to use it. I am from Singapore.
    May I know where to download the MAP THIS! software to put in my PSP and at the same time put the Singapore and Malaysia map into it..
    So that I can use PSP GPS and guide me through.
    Hope someone can teach me and guide me.
    Thank you. to download the latest MapThis.
    Search the forum for GMDL to start download your own Maps. for further FAQ on MapThis.

    Quote Originally Posted by niteloner View Post
    jake, i've problem understanding what geodata is. Does it contain postal codes and street names of the country? Can you give me a guide on the steps to doing the geodata, doesnt have to be singapore but i just wanna know how it works. Maybe sweden map with their geodata? Just wanna understand this whole thingy.. Thanks
    Geodata contains almost every single thing starting from street names.
    Custom GEODATA.
    Get your data into a CSV with the following format (with column names by default, or you can uncheck that in GMDL):

    Mandatory (this is so you can convert the same CSV into a POI file):

    Optional (extra columns, after city, are ignored for POI conversion):

    lon,lat,name,city (description),min number,max number

    Note: city (description) is what the geodata file will be segmented by (it should be a geographical area, it is fine being the same for all rows if you have a reasonably small set), if it's not specified rounded lat/lon will be used

    Note: If your CSV is delimited by ; instead of , (eg. if the decimal point is a decimal coma, like in French, German, Russian, etc.) check the CSV is delimited by ;... checkbox

    For example (the NZ txt extract), open Excel, open the txt, leave the import on Delimited, with Tab, and Finish, select all cells except the header row, and sort AtoZ (this eliminates the empty rows). Re-arrange the columns as follows: LONG, LAT, FULL_NAME and delete the others. Save-as a csv (Yes to keeping in the CSV format).

    Open GMDL, click GeoData, select the Custom (CSV) tab, set the file and click process, place the resulting geodata.dat into your map directory.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norest View Post
    I'll compile Starbucks and put it up over this weekend
    As promised, Starbucks POI.

  7. #17

    Default Caltex Stations

    Not sure if these are all the Caltex stations available...but still no harm in contributing...hope more fellow SGs will post their POIs here...

    As per last attachment...simply remove the .txt behind n put it into the "maps/_Singapore" folder will do...

  8. #18
    DCEmu Newbie
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    hm.. we can make more poi if we have map...iiex just

  9. #19
    DCEmu Newbie
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    how do we use the
    Specify source address:boon lay drive
    Specify destination address:jalan kayu

    den it will ask miiex to download but iiex not sure wad to do wif it... the format is html and mapthis can work on it????

  10. #20
    DCEmu Pro
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    The idea about is that you can input the same text as you would using If your browser downloads the file for you, then a route has been found.

    By default, some browsers add ".htm" at the end of the file, ending up with e.g. "_ROUTE_HOME.htm". Just remove the ".htm" part .

    You can then place it in ms0:/PSP/COMMON/ or in a folder where you have stored your map and load it in MapThis through POI Lookup.

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