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Thread: PCs always better than consoles, says Crytek art director

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games PCs always better than consoles, says Crytek art director

    via Games Industry

    While admitting that he doesn't spend that much time playing them, Crytek's art director says that videogame consoles can't compare to the PC.

    "My opinion on them in comparison to the PC is that I think the PC is always better," Michael Khaimzon told

    "Because the PC you can do so many things with, and the console is just there for the gaming."

    Khaimzon, who grew up in Communist Russia, hasn't worked on any console games. He has, however, helped create the amazing visuals in the Crysis PC game.

    He views consoles as inferior simply because there are so many more things you can do with a PC.

    "You cannot create characters on a console - you can't run a 3D programme from one, as far as I know. You can't play certain strategy games on a console well, like Total Annihilation for example, or at least I haven't seen one, I think it's limiting to certain types of games," he said.

    At the same time, he noted that PCs allow user to plug in a controller and play the same kinds of games as consoles.

    Khaimzon isn't concerned with compatibility issues and the price of graphics cards, criticisms that are often brought against PC gaming.

    "[N]obody forces you to upgrade your PC. You can take Crysis and play it on a medium-spec machine and it will still run, even on an older machine.

    That said, Crytek recommends that Crysis be run on an Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 PC with an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS 640 MB graphics card that costs upwards of USD 400--more than the 40GB PlayStation 3, the Arcade or Pro model Xbox 360, or the Nintendo Wii.

    "If people think there are games that are worth buying a USD 500 video card for, then they should go ahead and buy it and enjoy games of that quality - but they can still enjoy games at a lower quality as well," he explained.

    The complete interview with Michael Khaimzon can be read here.

  2. #2


    PC and consoles are different, in my opinion.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hi im new to the thread and agree

  4. #4
    DS LUA Coder Junixx's Avatar
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    If your PC could run a game that has a console equivalent perfectly, I'd say go for the PC version (higher resolutions and usually better controls)

  5. #5
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Depends because sometimes games install useless addware and junk. Also I don't like the registration of games and not to mention stupid copy protection that doesn't allow some pc's to even play the game. I bought quake 4 cd version and it is useless because it will not read because of the damn protection.... also some games have many difficulties because of anitvirus/firewall blocking etc

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