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Thread: Daedalus Ini Update V2.0 (Full A-N Boxart & Naming Complete)

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Daedalus Ini Update V2.0 (Full A-N Boxart & Naming Complete)

    This is my (zion) update to the daedalus ini file that fixes some displayed names and adds the games original box art to the preview window on the left (as shown in screen)

    I have taken the time to start work on updating the daedalus ini file, this is a long job. Took me around 6 hours to get from A-N Done.

    So far this is what I have done :

    • Added full Box Art for a all us/eu games from A-N.
    • Fixed all game names from A-N.

    Here is a screenshot of what it looks like.

    Current games with box art :

    Every us/eu game from A>N

    Plans for V3.0 :

    • Add Box Art for O-Z.
    • Fix more game names.

    So hope you enjoy this gui update and I hope it helps bring back memories of the good 'ol n64 days

    *Note : This does not make any more games compatible or faster, it's purely a feature update. All credit goes to strmnmrnm for creating daedalus.

    Via ZionMax

    Download & Give Feedback Via Comments

    Download here : (couldn't upload at my site or here, the upload kept timing out for me, if you wish to upload it here please do so.)

    *Another Note : Alright if you haven't guessed I am Zion. Before I get immediately banned please at least let me say something. Since my time here under this username, have I done anything whatsoever wrong? I don't think so. Have I helped people since my time here under this username? I believe so.

    As you know my ban started off a 2 week ban, which was fair, but then got bumped to perm . Since then I have apologized to the people concerned with the events that led to my banning and if i forgot to mention you i'm sorry.

    I still love this site and am asking for a clean slate. I for one believe people can change, and I most certainly have. You will have no trouble from me whatsoever if you unban me (zion). I hate arguments and know how childish I used to be here. I am no longer like that and would like the chance of being a part of this site again. (I miss it , I really do)

    So please if you see this albeit a mod/admin, please at least have a small staff discussion about it before just banning me without even taking my points into consideration.

    If its zionmax what you are against, I wont post/show anything about it or speak of it.

    I think the majority of people here would like to see me back (I know there are a minority who wouldn't) so please Dcemu, gimme a chance to show I have changed.

    Peace and I hope you guys enjoy the ini update

  2. #2
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I knew as well.

    Notice he hasn't really done anything bad (except for ban evasion).

  3. #3


    btw forgot to mention, if you move this to news. feel free to remove that second note i made under the download (that doesn't need to be in the news)

  4. #4
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I don't know if the staff will let you back. You could have just acted like someone else...

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    I don't know if the staff will let you back. You could have just acted like someone else...
    I could but it is hard to try and be part of a site when your worried about been found out all the time.

    Id prefer just to either be unbanned with zion name or be allowed stay with this name.

  6. #6
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I suppose so.

    I'll go start a poll and see how far it goes...

  7. #7


    I think he's fine and won't have any further issues, I believe he has learned from his previous acts. I don't see any reason not to reinstate Zion and just let him have a clean slate and a fresh start here.

    edit: Damn you guys couldn't even give the uy 15min coudl you, anyway Wally thanks for sending that microcode question StrmnNrmn's way, let me know what he says when you get a chance please.

  8. #8
    Dreamcast User gdf's Avatar
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    We've heard it all before. He's been given enough chances and every time he's stabbed everyone (friends, mods, The Playground) in the back. This is the umpteenth time he's come back claiming to have "changed" and "grown up", but he never learns.

    It looks like a decent release actually, but...

    Deservedly nailed.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    I hadnt really payed attention to the situation at all.. I had no clue that he'd been given a "second chance" that many times.. In light of that even though this is a good release he is clearly beyond second chances.

  10. #10


    It's cool though if DCEMU doesn't want his releases on here then they are just robbing they're community of an important new release for Daedalus. It's their loss, and version 3 is out now so too bad for them.

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